
2022-05-24 07:57:52


  剑桥雅思6Test3 ,Section1 Task1

  PIETER: Good morning.I'd like to open a bankaccount,please.

  WOMAN: Certainly.If you'd like to take a seat,I'll justget some details from you.It won't take long.

  PIETER: Thanks.

  WOMAN: Is it a current accountt or a deposittaccount you wanted?

  PIETER: A current account.

  WOMAN: Right.I've got the application form herethen.We have different types - I see you've got ourleaflet there.

  PIETER: I've decided on the one called 'Select.'

  WOMAN: Right,that's fine,so,first of all,can I have your full name please?

  PIETER: Yes,it's Pieter Henes.That's P-I-E-T-E-R.

  WOMAN: Is it H-E-double N-E-S?

  PIETER: Uh,only one N actually.It's a less common spelling of the name.

  WOMAN: Oh,right.OK.And what's your date of birth please?

  PIETER: The twenty-seventh of the first,nineteen seventy-three.

  WOMAN: Right.And will this be a joint account?

  PIETER: No,just muself.

  WOMAN: OK,fine.And where are you living,Mr Henes?

  PIETER: 15,Riverside.

  WOMAN: Is that all one word?

  PIETER: Yes.

  WOMAN: Exeter?

  PIETER: Yes.

  Section1 Task2

  WOMAN: How long have you been at your presentaddress?Er,is it more than two years?

  PIETER: Ah,just two weeks actually.I only arrived inthe country a month ago.I'm from Holland.

  WOMAN: Oh,that's fine,But we normally ask for aprevious address in that case.

  PIETER: Oh yes,well,it's Rielsdorf 2.That's R-I-E-L-S-D-O-R-F 2,Utrecht.

  WOMAN: Holland.OK.Thank you.Do you have adaytime telephone number?

  PIETER: Yes,I think the number at mu office is six-oh-six-two-nine-five.Um,just a minute,I'dbetter cheek,Oh,no sorry,six-one-six.I'm not used to it yet.Would you like my home numbertoo?

  WOMAN: Yes please.

  PIETER: It's seven-nine-six-four-three-one.

  WOMAN: Are they both local numbers?

  PIETER: Yes.


  WOMAN: How long have you been at your presentaddress?Er,is it more than two years?

  PIETER: Ah,just two weeks actually.I only arrived inthe country a month ago.I'm from Holland.

  WOMAN: Oh,that's fine,But we normally ask for aprevious address in that case.

  PIETER: Oh yes,well,it's Rielsdorf 2.That's R-I-E-L-S-D-O-R-F 2,Utrecht.

  WOMAN: Holland.OK.Thank you.Do you have adaytime telephone number?

  PIETER: Yes,I think the number at mu office is six-oh-six-two-nine-five.Um,just a minute,I'dbetter cheek,Oh,no sorry,six-one-six.I'm not used to it yet.Would you like my home numbertoo?

  WOMAN: Yes please.

  PIETER: It's seven-nine-six-four-three-one.

  WOMAN: Are they both local numbers?

  PIETER: Yes.


  PIETER: It's the Franscn Bank in Utrrcht.

  WOMAN: OK,fine.I'll check that in a minute.If wehave links with them we can do a direct transfer.Butit's not a big problem either way.Um,let's see.Howoften would you like to receive statements?

  PIETER: I haven't really thought.Um,what's theusual thing?

  WOMAN: It's up to you.Some people like themweekly.

  PIETER: Oh,no,that's too often.Can I have themsent,um,once a month?

  WOMAN: Yes,that's fine.Is there anything else?

  PIETER: I was thinking of registering for your internet service at some stage.

  WOMAN: Oh,yes.Would you like me to send you information about that?

  PIETER: Please,yes.

  WOMAN: And would you like to receivc information about the bank's other services -insurance,loans,anything like that?

  PIETER: Hmm,I don't think so,thanks.

  WOMAN: That's OK then.And one last thing,if you agree ...
