
2022-05-21 16:07:07



  It is important to read and watch news presented by people whose views are different from our own than read and watch views presented by people whose views are similar to our own.




  中华传统文化告诉我们,身边的人群里面,总有一些人是值得我们学习的。而我们到底该和谁学习?我们是该游走在我们熟悉的人与事之间,只听那些让我们轻松、自在的言论吗?亦或是走出舒适圈里(comfort zone),去看看我们所不熟悉的世界?



  好吧,上面那段我是从教育学的角度来思考问题的。虽然我们一直在喊: Come on! Get out of your comfort zone! 但也不是说,总和那些意见与我们相左的人在一起就一定是在成长。我们也没有必要总和自己过不去。有风度的人,当别人在伴演“仗义执言,忠言逆耳”的角色,还可以点头、微笑,然后做自己认为对的事。可是,必须要承认,与我们三观合的人交谈,才能有如沐春风的感觉。除了听不同的声音,我们还需要被认同、被鼓励、被赞赏。而这些只能是来自那些与我们拥有同样思维体系的人。


  道理讲差不多了,看看两个主体段的topic sentence + reasoning可以如何写吧:

  Without any doubt, people can ill afford to overlook the fact that consulting with people with varied opinions of ourselves makes us objective and comprehensive. Prior to further explanations of my viewpoint, it is crucial to know how most of us form our perceptions of things. Generally speaking, the formation of our thoughts amounts to the integration of correct conceptions assimilated from grand masters and specific personal observation of the real world. How can we assimilate enough, then? Reading the classics and listening to the wise. Confucius remarked, there is always someone to learn from, especially when this someone is trustworthy.

  Reasonable though the previous discussion may sound, this is not the whole picture of the issue, because we still need approval, encouragement as well as praise. Francis Bacon wrote in Of Studies that reading histories makes men wise. Great minds think alike. In ancient China, one emperor of Tang Dynasty once remarked that with copper as a mirror can people dress properly, with history as a mirror can people know the reasons behind the rise and fall of different dynasties, and with other people as a mirror can people better see the merits and flaws in themselves.


