
2022-05-24 12:32:30


  Section One

  场次 20160123A 20110122

  场景 旅游订房

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 野营宿营地的选择,三个宿营地点的对比

  填空 10:

  1. first accommodation:near the supermarket

  2. second one called studio

  3. Second one has facility: microwave

  4. 4.near Sports Centre

  5. third one:outdoor table

  6. fee 219

  7. salad with fruit

  8. children can play XX and table tennis

  9. Barbecue at picnic area

  dance with a band

  Section Two

  场次 20160319B 20121011

  场景 其他

  题型 地图 5,单选 5

  内容概述 关于 Mentor 的介绍,可以帮助外地人

  单选 5

  关于 mentor 的

  11. 选 住的时间长,因为原文说 several years

  12. 选 B, 原文中 mentor 能告诉你哪里的东西便宜

  13. 城市能提供什么

  A.Leaflets in foreign languages

  B. Free translation

  C.Leaflets for family

  14. 选 C,需要花一段时间 settle down

  15. 待补充

  地图题 5 待补充

  Section Three

  场次 20160507 20130907 20110127 20090321 2008

  题型 填空 1,多选 9

  内容概述 是师生讨论找工作的问题。大学生找工作应注意的因素,妇女生完孩子后返回工作的


  多选 6 (5 选 2):

  21-22.高中毕业生找工作时应该着重强调自己的 What should the secondary student


  选:motivation & eager to learn(说到了 enthusiasm) 我昕到那个女的问那个男的学历真的


  那个男的回答说:well,actually the qualfication doesn't mean that important,those employees who have lower education than your college students got lot of working experiences however the students who have just graduate from schools were lack of skills and experience,thus they maybe emphasize the charateristics of themselves like eagerness to learn,willingness to ...and easy going to each other and so on.)


  选:had little time to work for she need to take care the family& hard to re-adjust to



  选:sacked from the former job & unemployed for a long time(我昕见的是那个女的问,用人单位在挑选应聘者时有没有什么忌讳的内容呢,那个男的说,公司在用人的时候有些人是显然不会予以考虑的,比如 betray 原来公司的人,还有 quite the job only because they don't like it, 因为前者有可能还会背叛现在的公司,后者肯能也会讨厌现在申请的这个工作,如果他们都成功被应聘了的话)

  多选 3 (7 选 3)

  27-29. 为什么不愿雇佣 retired worker?


  选:hard to train


  填空 1

  The (presentations) and appearance of applicant is more important.
