
2022-06-14 20:47:40

  101. Transportation means

  102. A variety of

  103. Get tired of

  104. Do sth for a change

  105. Go after fashion

  106. ..of the latest fashion

  107. Great boost to

  108. My personal experience

  109. Be confident

  110. Be in a bad mood

  111. Cheer sb up

  112. For the whole day

  113. Seize this opportunity

  114. Sense of humor

  115. Eat like a hog

  116. Manage to

  117. High sense of responsibility

  118. Spare one’s free time to do sth

  119. Be thankful to sb

  120. Easy-going

  121. Instead of

  122. Definitely

  123. Waste a lot of time doing sth

  124. Spend ….doing sth

  125. Be left alone (leave sb alone)

  126. You know what

  127. Rush hour

  128. You can imagine how + adj +it is to do sth

  129. Be interested in

  130. Let’s say

  131. Family gathering

  132. Have a chance to (give sb another chance)

  133. Take off

  134. Workaholic

  135. Take a vacation

  136. Travel around the world

  137. Go aboard

  138. An English major

  139. Have been doing sth

  140. Sth of various kinds

  141. Golden opportunity

  142. Leave …behind (troubles)

  143. Get relaxed

  144. Talkative

  145. Concentrate on

  146. Another reason why…is…

  147. Lead to

  148. Most adj that I’ve ever seen

  149. A great challenge

  150. Clean air