
2022-05-21 10:26:01



  The Mysterious Portrait

  by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol


  Young Tchartkoff was an artist of talent, which promised great things: his work gave evidence of observation, thought, and a strong inclination to approach nearer to nature.

  "Look here, my friend," his professor said to him more than once, "you have talent; it will be a shame if you waste it: but you are impatient; you have but to be attracted by anything, to fall in love with it, you become engrossed with it, and all else goes for nothing, and you won't even look at it. See to it that you do not become a fashionable artist. At present your colouring begins to assert itself too loudly; and your drawing is at times quite weak; you are already striving after the fashionable style, because it strikes the eye at once. Have a care! society already begins to have its attraction for you: I have seen you with a shiny hat, a foppish neckerchief. . . . It is seductive to paint fashionable little pictures and portraits for money; but talent is ruined, not developed, by that means. Be patient; think out every piece of work, discard your foppishness; let others amass money, your own will not fail you."

  The professor was partly right. Our artist sometimes wanted to enjoy himself, to play the fop, in short, to give vent to his youthful impulses in some way or other; but he could control himself withal. At times he would forget everything, when he had once taken his brush in his hand, and could not tear himself from it except as from a delightful dream. His taste perceptibly developed. He did not as yet understand all the depths of Raphael, but he was attracted by Guido's broad and rapid handling, he paused before Titian's portraits, he delighted in the Flemish masters. The dark veil enshrouding the ancient pictures had not yet wholly passed away from before them; but he already saw something in them, though in private he did not agree with the professor that the secrets of the old masters are irremediably lost to us. It seemed to him that the nineteenth century had improved upon them considerably, that the delineation of nature was more clear, more vivid, more close. It sometimes vexed him when he saw how a strange artist, French or German, sometimes not even a painter by profession, but only a skilful dauber, produced, by the celerity of his brush and the vividness of his colouring, a universal commotion, and amassed in a twinkling a funded capital. This did not occur to him when fully occupied with his own work, for then he forgot food and drink and all the world. But when dire want arrived, when he had no money wherewith to buy brushes and colours, when his implacable landlord came ten times a day to demand the rent for his rooms, then did the luck of the wealthy artists recur to his hungry imagination; then did the thought which so often traverses Russian minds, to give up altogether, and go down hill, utterly to the bad, traverse his. And now he was almost in this frame of mind.

  第一篇天才青年画家,很有天赋,他的作品很有内涵,能展现自然的本真。但他老师说他不够耐心,太偏重与着色,画作追求时尚风格,绘画的艺术感会削弱。其实老师说的是只有部分是对的,因为他已经很就是很努力去做这件事情了,他的老师的观点是,不要去画一些非常popular的东西,不要去做一个fashionable artist,他觉得他老师说的是,部分对的。因为画一些popular的一些东西的话,可以帮他赚钱,他其实也很用心在追求艺术,使得他技巧更好。但是肚子填不饱,这么滋生艺术。


  1. 主旨题:(the struggle of the artist’s values)

  2. 段落目的题:main purpose of the first paragraph(present the main character’s artistic trait)

  3. twins题:

  professor think great art should be

  4. 证据:should be accomplished and not garish

  5. 词汇题:fashionable(trendy)

  6. 词汇题:want(need)

  段落目的题:purpose of the last paragraph


