
2022-05-31 04:48:24


  GMAT核心词汇 intrepid

  英文解释: adjective: fearless

  例句: Captain Ahab was an intrepid captain whose reckless and fearless style ultimate leads to his downfall.

  GMAT核心词汇 inundate

  英文解释: verb: to flood or overwhelm

  例句: The newsroom was inundated with false reports that only made it more difficult for the newscasters to provide an objective account of the bank robbery.

  GMAT核心词汇 inure

  英文解释: verb: to make accustomed to something unpleasant

  例句: Three years of Manhattan living has inured her to the sound of wailing sirens; she could probably sleep through the apocalypse.

  GMAT核心词汇 invective

  英文解释: noun: abusive or denunciatory language

  例句: The Internet has unleashed the invectives in many of us; many people post stinging criticism on the comments section underneath newspaper articles or YouTube videos.

  GMAT核心词汇 inveterate

  英文解释: adjective: habitual

  例句: He is an inveterate smoker and has told his family and friends that there is no way he will ever quit.

  GMAT核心词汇 invidious

  英文解释: adjective: likely to cause resentment

  例句: At a time when many others in the office were about to be laid off, many considered Cheryl's fine clothes that day an invidious display.

  GMAT核心词汇 inviolable

  英文解释: adjective: never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored

  例句: To many the grass at Wimbledon is inviolable and only greater tennis players are able to enjoy a game there.

  GMAT核心词汇 inviolate

  英文解释: adjective: must be kept sacred

  例句: While the literary critic subjected most of the classics to the harshest reviews, he regarded Cervantes as inviolate, and had nothing but praise for him.

  GMAT核心词汇 involved

  英文解释: adjective: complicated, and difficult to comprehend

  例句: The physics lecture became so involved that the undergraduate’s eyes glazed over.

  GMAT核心词汇 irascible

  英文解释: adjective: quickly aroused to anger

  例句: If Arthur's dog is not fed adequately, he becames highly irascible, even growling at his own shadow.

