
2022-06-04 09:47:06


  托福阅读的评分是没有一个固定评分表的,ETS会根据考生当年的水平来进行评分。所以,在估算中我们不能算对了多少题目,而是要算拿到多少的原始分。这张表格很清楚的列出了在托福考试阅读部分中,错题数和得分相对应的情况。大家可以比较准确的计算出阅读部分的得分。以下是英文原版的托福阅读分数估算方法:The Reading Section score is based on your performance on multiple-choice items. Except for the last question of each set, you received one point for each of the questions you answered correctly. The total points that you received were than converted to a score on a scale from 0-30. The reported score for the Reading Section will always be on this scale of 0-30.

  The last question in each set is worth 2 points. These questions were scored as follows:

  If you had: You received

  1 correct answers 0 points

  2 correct answers 1 point

  3 correct answers 2 points 

错题数 得分
0,1 30
2,3,4 29
5,6 28
7,8 27
9,10 26
11 25
12 24
13,14 23
15 22
16 21
17 20

