
2022-06-05 15:02:50


  托福TPO11口语task1题目 Question:

  Talk about an interesting book you have read. Explain why you thought the book was interesting. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.



  1. Books that are easy to talk about

  2. Harry Potter

  3. Lord of the Rings

  4. Devil Wears Prada

  5. Twilight

  6. Any other English book that you’ve actually read before

  7. Books that you should avoid

  7. Chinese literatures

  8. Books that you believe will make a good impression on the rater because they are superior.


  The book I have read that was interesting is Harry Potter for the following reasons. First of all, the plot is amazing. I can forget about all the troubles I need to deal with at school when reading it, it gives me a chance to escape my life which can be stressful sometimes. Second, I’ve learned a lot from Harry and his friends, things like bravery and loyalty. Harry is always full of courage no matter how hard his life is. And Ron, being a good friend, is so loyal to their friendship, that he would never give up on Harry no matter how dangerous the situation gets. I wish I had a friend like Ron in my life who I can trust with my life.

