
2022-05-26 02:32:26

  9-12月雅思口语part1话题Dictionary要求考生描述How often do you use dictionaries;Do you think dictionaries are useful/important等等,下面我们来参考一下2018年9-12月雅思口语part1新题库:Dictionary范文。

  1. How often do you use dictionaries?

  Majoring in English in university, dictionaries become necessary reference books of my study. I almost use it every day of my life. There are also different kinds of dictionaries that I need, such as Chinese-English dictionary, English-Chinese dictionary and medical dictionary.

  2. Which kind of dictionaries do you most often use, paper dictionaries or digital dictionaries?

  I always use digital dictionaries for my study. With digital dictionaries, there is no need to carry paper dictionaries everywhere in case of using it. Meanwhile, looking up words in digital dictionary is more efficient than that in paper dictionary. When it comes to exams, the paper dictionaries are the only type allowed to use.

  3. Do you think dictionaries are useful/important?

  Yes, I think it is very important for language learning. Dictionaries not only help you know the words’ meaning, but also give you some sentences to show you how to use the word to let you understand better about it. The digital dictionaries nowadays even can translate sentences for their users.

  4. Do you think paper dictionaries will one day being replaced by digital ones?

  Yes, I think this situation will happen in the future. One digital dictionary might cover dozens of paper dictionaries, saving the time of looking up certain paper dictionaries and the space of reserving them. Meanwhile, the digital dictionary can be installed on users’ phones. People can use dictionaries at any time they want to.
