
2022-06-01 00:37:13


  Do you think parents should stop children from thinking too big?

  这个题比较难。很多同学不知道应该答yes还是no, 因为感觉两方面都不好答。首先,什么是thinking too big?加了too这个程度,也就是说比较不合理的想法了,因为在英文中too一般表示程度过了,不合适了这样的含义。当谈到父母加以干涉时,学生的常用思路就是感觉不应该,因此就矛盾了,不知道这个题该怎么答。其实,我们可以从too big举例子入手。怎样属于thinking too big呢?比如说,小孩子想当一名宇航员,这个想法就比较难以实现;,这样的想法也是属于too big。有什么坏处呢?主要是难以实现,因此中途会放弃,这样会养成容易知难而退的习惯。其实,回答yes会比较容易一些。


  Yes, I think parents should stop children from thinking too big. Because children are not mature, they make themselves unrealistic ambitions or plans. It is acceptable, but if the ambitions or plans are too big, they have too many difficulties when they want to prepare for these. When they know they have to abandon halfway, or it is impossible for them, they will feel disappointed. They may easily abandon something, even the reasonable ambitions in their future.

