2018雅思口语经典话题语言点解析- Punctuality 守时

2022-05-30 03:58:41

  关于Punctuality 守时,这个话题是雅思口语常客了,必备雅思口语话题之一,今天为大家准备了完整的话题卡以及详细的语言点解析,雅思内容:2018雅思口语经典话题语言点解析- Punctuality 守时



  Are you a punctual person?

  Well… Not really, I just can’t help it. I mean, I really want to be on time for everything, but I always end up spending too much time putting on my makeup.


  somebody can’t help (doing) something = somebody can’t help but do something = used to say that it is impossible to prevent or avoid something例如:

  I can't help thinking he knows more than he has told us.

  He can't help being ugly.

  She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.

  I always end up having an argument with her, I don't know why, I just can't help it.

  She burst out laughing—she couldn't help herself (= couldn't stop herself).

  end up = to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in例如:

  I ended up doing all the work myself.

  If you go on like this you'll end up in prison.

  If he carries on driving like that, he'll end up dead.

  put something on = to apply something to your skin, face, etc.例如:

  She's just putting on her make-up.

  How do you remind yourself to be on time?

  Sometimes, I would set an alarm clock, but it doesn’t really work, ‘cause like I said, I always spend too long sitting in front of my mirror, touching up my makeup, so I often get out my place a few minutes later than I planned.


  touch something up = to improve something by changing or adding to it slightly例如:

  She was busy touching up her make-up in the mirror.

  place = (informal) a house or flat/ apartment; a person's home例如:

  What about dinner at my place?

  I'm fed up with living with my parents, so I'm looking for a place of my own.

  I thought I'd better clean the place up.

  Do you think it is important to be punctual?

  Yeah, definitely. Being punctual is a way to show your respect for others. If you are late all the time, like I do, people around you will lose their patience or be upset about it, which is not good for your interpersonal relationship. I learned it the hard way.


  learn something the hard way = to find out how to behave by learning from your mistakes or from unpleasant experiences, rather than from being told

  Why are some people always late?

  I guess the traffic is one of the most common reasons. I mean, sometimes the rush-hour traffic in some parts of the city could be so horrible that we could get stuck in traffic for a long time. So even if you get out earlier than you planned, you could still be late.


  rush hour = the time, usually twice a day, when the roads are full of traffic and trains are crowded because people are travelling to or from work例如:

  the morning/ evening rush hour

  Don't travel at rush hour/ in the rush hour.

  The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour.

  I left early to avoid the rush hour.

  What would you do if you were waiting for someone?

  Um… to be honest, that kind of thing hardly ever happens, ‘cause in most cases, I’m the one that others would be waiting for. However, if I had to wait for someone, then maybe I would just play with my phone, you know, read news or check what’s new on the social media.


  social media = forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

  Do you think people these days are as punctual as in the past?

  Well, in my opinion, today, people are more punctual than they used to be, ‘cause maybe now people have realized that time is money. They don’t want to waste others’ precious time, and they don’t want to look unprofessional, you know, when they are doing business with others.

  以上为今天的雅思内容:2018雅思口语经典话题语言点解析- Punctuality 守时
