
2022-05-24 04:05:34

  Practice Test 9

  P 898

  Section 4

  1. 一开始只有卫生间外面的地毯是_________,因为破裂的水管里的水;最后整个走廊都被淹了。

  Initially only the carpeting outside the restroom was __________ by water from the burst pipe; eventually the entire hallway flooded.

  (A) diverted v. 转移

  (B) confined v. 有限的

  (C) scuttled v. 急走

  (D) cleansed v. 弄干净

  (E) drenched v. 湿透的

  2. 群居对狼和老鼠这样的动物有好也有坏:群居让动物来__________体温,但是让他们更___________被捕食者发现。

  Communal nests have advantages and disadvantages for animals like wolves and mice: they enable the animals to _________ body heat, but leave them more __________ to discovery by predators.

  (A) insure v. 确保...inclined adj. 倾向于

  (B) maintain v. 维持...vulnerable adj. 易受攻击的

  (C) squander v. 浪费...liable adj. 有责任的

  (D) stimulate v. 刺激...resistant adj. 反抗

  (E) retain v. 保持...immune adj. 免疫的

  3. 他展示了类似病态的___________,非要知道他朋友私生活的所有细节不可。

  He displayed a nearly pathological ___________, insisting on knowing every detail of his friends' lives.

  (A) orderliness n. 整洁

  (B) credulity n. 易受骗

  (C) curiosity n. 好奇

  (D) shyness n. 害羞

  (E) morbidity n. 病态
