
2022-06-02 05:09:16


  TPO21-3 Autobiographical Memory 

  Think back to your childhood and try to identify your earliest memory. How old were you? Most people are not able to recount memories for experiences prior to the age of three years, a phenomenon called infantile amnesia.先来几个开头句尝尝鲜,还记得第10天讲过的内容吗?看到自己熟悉的内容是不是精神为之一振呢?从这一刻开始大量阅读吧!

  1) The question of why infantile amnesia occurs has intrigued psychologists for decades, especially in light of ample evidence that infants and young children can display impressive memory capabilities.

  2) However, even children with low verbal skills showed evidence of remembering the event; thus, memories may be facilitated by but are not dependent on those verbal skills.(因果关系,细节题出题点。与TPO6-3内容交叉:verbal skills辅助但不决定长期记忆。)

  3)A third possibility is that children will not be able to tell their own "life story"until they understand something about the general form stories take, that is,the structure of narratives.(段落中心句。再次强调叙述逻辑对于形成长期记忆的重要性。)

  4) It is interesting to note that some studies show Caucasian American children have earlier childhood memories than Korean children do. Furthermore, other studies show that Caucasian American mother-child pairs talk about past events three times more often than do Korean mother-child pairs. (比较级)

  5) It may be that the developments just described are intertwined with and influence one another. (暗示多重因素之间的关系。)

  6) No doubt the ability to talk about one's past represents memory of a different level of complexity than simple recognition or recall.(篇章末尾总结句。)
