
2022-06-03 11:21:50


  Good morning everyone.Now whether you're goingto university to study business or some othersubject,many of you will eventually end up workingfor a company of some kind.

  Now,when you first start working somewhere you willrealise that the organisation you've joined hascertain characteristics.And we often refer to thesesocial characteristics as the culture of theorganisation - this includes its unwrittenideas,beliefs,values and things like that.One well known writer has classified company culturesby identifying four major types.

  The first type is called the Power Culture,and it's usually found in small organisations.

  It's the type of culture that needs a central source of power to be effective,and becausecontrol is in the hands of just one or two people there aren't many rules orprocedures.Another characteristic is that communication usually takes the form ofconversations rather than,say,formal meetings or written memos.Now one of the benefits ofthis culture is that the organisation has the ability to act quickly,so it responds well to threat,ordanger on the one hand,and opportunity on the other.

  But on the negative side,this type of organisation doesn't always act effectively,because itdepends too much on one or two people at the top,and when these people make poor decisionsthere's no-one else who can influence them.

  And the kind of person who does well in this type of business culture is one who is happy totake risks,and for whom job security is a low priority.
