
2022-05-24 18:45:22





  V131212 S2, S3; V131214 S2, S3; V131221 S1, S2, S4; V130202

  S1,S3; V130323 S2, S3; V130413 S1; S3; V130418 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130427 S2; V130516 S1, S2,

  S3; V130518 S3, S4; V09137 S1 S3; V09138 S2; V09139 S1 S3 S4; V09140 S1 S2; V09141 S2,

  S3; V09142 S2 S3 S4; V09143 S1 S3; V09144; V09145 S2 S3 S4; V09146 S2; V09147 S1 S2;

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  V09111 S1 S2 S3; V09112 S1; V09113 S3 S4; V09115 S1; V130214 S1, S2, S3, S4; V130223 S2,

  S4; V130309 S2, S4; V130314 S2, S3, S4; V130105 S1, S3; V130110 S2, S3, S4; V130112 S3 S4;

  V130119 S1; V121124 S2; V06113 S2; V111029 S2; V110428 S2; V121013 S3, S4;V121020 S4;

  V121117 S4


  DAN: I've never liked acting.Are you doing anythingelse?

  JEANNIE: I enjoyed singing when I was at school,soI joined a group when I came to college.I don't thinkthe conductor stretches us enough,though so I'llgive up after the next concert.And I also joined thedebating society.It's fun,but with all the rehearsingI'm doing,something has to go,and I'm afraid that'sthe one.

  DAN: Do you do any sports?

  JEANNIE: Yes,I'm in one of the hockey teams.I'm not very good,but I'd really miss it if Istopped.I decided to try tennis when I came to college,and I'm finding it pretty tough going.I'msimply not fit enough.

  DAN: Nor me.I think I'll give that a miss!

  JEANNIE: I'm hoping it'll help me to build up my stamina,but it'll probably be a long haul.

  DAN: Good luck.

  JEANNIE: Thanks.

  DAN: How are you finding the course?

  JEANNIE: I wish we had more seminars.

  DAN: What?I'd have thought we had more than enough already.All those people saying cleverthings that I could never think of - it's quite interesting,but I wonder if I'm clever enough to bedoing this course.

  JEANNIE: I find it helpful to listen to the other people.I like the way we're exploring thesubject,and working towards getting insight into it.

  DAN: How do you get on with your tutor?I don't think I'm on the same wavelength asmine,so I feel I'm not getting anything out of the tutorials.It would be more productive to reada book instead.

  JEANNIE: Oh,mine's very demanding.She gives me lots of feedback and advice,so I've gotmuch better at writing essays.And she's helping me plan my revision for the end-of-yearexams.

  DAN: Do tell me,I always struggle with revision.


