
2022-06-06 18:37:04


  Section 1旧题=130314咨询场景10填空

  一个女的向一个男的咨询,想要参加一个电影倶乐部,咨询了放什么 电影,时间,有多少座位,有什么会员特权等。

  1. type of movie: action movie

  2. other activities: discussion

  3. seats available : 80

  4. data: 17 April

  5. six free.. .meetings

  6. free of charge : admission

  7. can also bring a guest

  8. tickets

  9. bookshop

  10. month


  Section 2新题 旅游场景 选择+地图



  11. once arriving at the M resort, you will see a gas station

  12. change currency: Kiosk

  13. Ask for help (along the beach): advice

  14. unsatisfied: music 15—20 map

  15. bookshop

  16. small supermarket

  17. café

  Section 3旧题 学术场景 单选+多选

  黑猩猩的研究 Research of Chimpanzees


  21. What is the best time to observe the chimpanzees?

  A. looking for food C. eating food 22. Where do their behaviors come from, various ways?

  A. imitating their parents

  B. imitating human

  C. genetic

  23. Why do the chimpanzees wave to them?

  C. to show their dominance

  24. What do the chimpanzees use leaves to do? to protect head dry (from the rain)

  25. How do the chimpanzees open the nutshell to get the food?

  A. throw to the wall B. hit with stick C. hit with a stone

  26. What do the students think the research result is?

  A. invalid

  B. interesting

  C. imaginable


  27-28. What is the future research direction?

  A. adult relationship B. feeding young animals 29-30. What tools do they need to bring next time?

  A. fruit (banana) B. measuring equipment D. video camera (not camera) binoculars

  Section 4讲座10填空


  31. Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill spider.

  32. silk which is stronger than steel.

  33. finer than human hair application

  34. environmentally friendly equipment for fishing

  35. treat sports (athlete) injures

  36. medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal) pain.

  37. Problem: noise of a train Owl : artificial skill

  38. skating boards used by Olympic

  39. vibration on plane and end of a tunnel

  40. reduce the loss of energy
