
2022-05-27 13:24:41


  Question 21

  答案: C

  定位原文:It really doesn’t suit the way we work these days. It's over ten years old and although it was fine when it was first introduced, it is just not good enough now.

  解题思路:I use a computer system to help process student enrolments…,对话首次提到computer system,提示Dave Hadley对computer system的看法即将出现,定位到it really doesn’t suit … just not good enough now. 这两句话都没有提到too many users, 故排除A;it was fine when it was first introduced 即 “电脑一开始好用”,故排除B;it doesn’t suit the way we work these days,“不适合今天的工作方式”即是对于C选项outdated,“过时的”这个词的同义转述,故正确。

  Question 22


  定位原文:Well, there's a lot more data now and it sometimes seems the system has crashed but, in fact, it just takes ages to go from one screen to the next.

  解题思路:what problems are you experiencing? 提示下文即将具体阐述电脑的问题,直到Well that's the main one,可知在这两句话之间说话者提到的问题就是主要的问题。定位到Well, there's a lot more data … go from one screen to the next. 注意这句话很可能会误导考生选择B选项,因为computer crashed out是 “电脑死机”的意思,但是注意it seems和in fact这两个表达,这句话的真正意思是“电脑看上去死机了,实际上” main problem是it just takes ages to go from one screen to the next. A选项的too slow即 takes ages的同义转述。

  Question 23


  定位原文:…but now we have a lot more courses and what's made it complicated is that many of them have options.

  解题思路:In the past, doing the timetabling was quite simple. 提示下文现在timetabling出现的问题,和“in the past”形成对比。定位到but now we have a lot more courses and what's made it complicated is that many of them have options. 注意but now即使说明对比的开始,注意what’s made it complicated(复杂的,麻烦的) is是has become an issue的同义转述,所以后面的many of them have options即是issue,故选B。

  Question 24


  定位原文:So what about having an online system that students can use to do their scheduling?

  解题思路:If there was anything you could do, Randhir, to make the process more efficient, that would be really helpful,提示下文Randhir会给出建议。定位到so what about having an online system that students can use to do their scheduling? 注意what about + doing sth.是一个固定搭配,是用来建议做某事的一种句型,比如说,“what about having a rest? 休息一下好吗?” 根据what about后面的students can use to do their scheduling,实际上A选项就是这个建议的同义转述。

  Question 25


  定位原文:OK - that’ll probably take longer although it may save you money in the long run.

  解题思路:Well I'd much prefer to have a new system. 提示下文将要对new system进行进一步的阐述。定位到OK - that’ll probably take longer although it may save you money in the long run. 这句话说到new system的两个特点,一点是take longer,一点是save money;在选项中,economical有“省钱的”之意,save money “省钱”是其同义转述,故选C。A选项的trial是“测试”的意思。

  Question 26


  定位原文:Well it’s January now…As an initial estimate I think we'll be looking at April or May to improve the existing system…

  解题思路:When were you hoping to have this in place? 提示下文将讨论跟时间有关的事情,因为问题是问的要用多长时间,所以考生要注意听和记录时间点,然后时间点做减法得出正确的答案,定位到Well it’s January now…As an initial estimate I think we'll be looking at April or May to improve the existing system…两个时间点分别是January和April or May,做减法的结果是4-5个月,故选B。As an estimate是“初步估计”之意。

  Question 27

  答案:(senior) management/managers


  Well, the first question is - do you have support from your senior management?

  Yes, I’ve already discussed it with them and they’re also keen to get this work done.

  解题思路: What are the next steps if we are to have a new system? 提示下文即将讨论解决问题的具体流程。定位到“Well, the first question is - do you have support from your senior management?” “Yes, I’ve already discussed it with them and they’re also keen to get this work done.” 注意get approval from是have support from的同义转述,因为“获得了某人的许可”实际上就等于“获得了某人的支持”,所以要写下senior management “上级”,senior在这里是“级别(或地位)高的”的意思; be keen to do sth的意思是“非常愿意、热心做某事 ”之意。

  Question 28

  答案:project requests

  定位原文:It's called a 'project request form'.

  解题思路:They mentioned that there's probably a form I need to complete to formally start the project. 提示下文即将具体阐述form表格是什么表格,定位到It's called a 'project request form'. request form即“申请表”;complete a form, fill out a form, 都是“填表”的意思。

  Question 29


  定位原文:I'll set up a meeting with him。

  解题思路:See Samir. He's our analyst who will look at the system and identify what needs to be done.?提示下文即将讨论和分析师一起做的事情。定位到I'll set up a meeting with him。set up 是 book的同义转述,set up是“准备”,book是“预订”,预订一个会议即准备一个会议,所以写下meeting。

  Question 30

  答案:conference call

  定位原文:I’m used to having conference calls providing they are not late at night.

  解题思路:Some members of our team work in different locations so it's not easy to have face-to-face meetings.提示下文将讨论会议的方式。定位到I’m used to having conference calls providing they are not late at night. 这句话有两处需要重点理解,used to be是“过去是,过去常常”的意思,providing是“如果;加入”的意思,conference calls即“远程电话会议”。



  Question 31

  答案:29,000 years


  So how did it all begin?

  Well it all started around 29.000 years ago when humans discovered that…

  解题思路:So how did it all begin? 提示下文即将讨论制陶工艺的开始时间。定位到Well it all started around 29.000 years ago when humans discovered that…start是date back的同义转述,around是approximately的同义转述,都有“大约”之意。

  Question 32

  答案:southern/south Europe


  And all this activity was centred around southern Europe。

  解题思路: They created figurines which were small statues and which depicted animals or gods or any shape… 提示下文即将讨论小雕像的制作地点。定位到all this activity was centred around southern Europe。in the area of是centred around的同义转述,表示“在某地附近”。

  Question 33


  定位原文:Although they could carry water in them, it wasn't possible to store it over a long period.

  解题思路:The early humans also found a practical use for their discovery, such as storing things like grain…提示下文将讨论陶罐不能装什么,定位到although they could carry water in them, it wasn't possible to store it over a long period。 carry是“携带”的意思,“虽然可以携带水,但是不能长期存储水”。

  Question 34


  定位原文:They discovered that by adding minerals to the day they could improve both the appearance and the strength of the ceramics.

  解题思路: In China at around 200 BC…提示下文将讨论中国人在陶艺方面的活动,定位到they discovered that by adding minerals to the day they could improve both the appearance and the strength of the ceramics. 注意这里答案mineral出现在了定位词improve both the appearance and the strength of the ceramics之前。此处做题技巧是先把minerals写下来, 如果再出现其它答案再进行修改。quality of ceramics说的就是the appearance and the strength of ceramics.

  Question 35

  答案:white gold

  定位原文:It became so valuable that it was known as white gold.

  解题思路:Compared to the first ceramics, porcelain was lighter, finer, harder and whiter and became an important commodity in China's trading with the rest of the world for hundreds of years.?提示下文将讨论到Chinese porcelain还被称作什么,定位到it became so valuable that it was known as white gold. It was known as就是called的同义转述。much easier是best的同义转述。

  Question 36

  答案:china stone

  定位原文:He discovered that by adding quartz and a material called china stone to very high-quality clay.

  解题思路:Bottger failed to achieve this and soon gave up, but in order to please the king he attempted to make high-quality porcelain. “为了取悦国王他试图制作出高品质的陶艺作品”,提示下文将讨论到Bottger将怎么样制作high-quality porcelain(高品质的陶艺),定位到he discovered that by adding quartz and a material called china stone to very high-quality clay,注意a mineral called china stone的这个表达,是“一种叫做china stone的矿物质”,虽然语法上called china stone是分词作后置定语修饰mineral,但是正确答案需要填写的是这个矿物质具体的名称。

  Question 37

  答案:cooling (down)

  定位原文:That clay is made up of crystalline plates which become locked together in the cooling process whereas glass cools too quickly for crystals to form.

  解题思路: The main difference between ceramics made from clay and glass is that…提示下文即将讨论玻璃和陶艺制作工艺上的不同之处。定位到that clay is made up of crystalline plates which become locked together in the cooling process whereas glass cools too quickly for crystals to form. 即二者的冷却过程是不同的,玻璃冷却地过快不能形成晶体结构,而泥土是由晶体结构构成的。A is similar to B apart from_____是对于the main difference between A and B的同义转述。

  Question 38


  定位原文:One of the more innovative uses was to use it in windows

  解题思路:Until the Roman Empire, 2,000 years ago, that the art of glass-blowing and the practical uses of glass became more widespread. 提示下文即将讨论罗马人用玻璃做什么。定位到One of the more innovative uses was to use it in windows。

  Question 39

  答案:volcanic ash

  定位原文:The Romans observed that, when volcanic ash mixes with water and then cools, it gets extremely hard and almost impossible to break up.

  解题思路:The Romans were also responsible for inventing concrete. 提示下文即将讨论水泥是如何被发明出来的。定位到The Romans observed that, when volcanic ash mixes with water and then cools, it gets extremely hard and almost impossible to break up. 注意A mixed with B是“A和B混合”的意思。volcanic ash是 “火山灰”的意思。

  Question 40


  定位原文:the Romans needed to take control of the seas and for this they needed to build harbours capable of holding a fleet of ships.

  解题思路: As the Roman Empire grew 提示下文即将讨罗马帝国壮大的原因。定位到the Romans needed to take control of the seas and for this they needed to build harbours capable of holding a fleet of ships. “罗马帝国为了占领海域而修建港口,这些港口能够停靠船队的船只。”注意文章的最后一句才提到了This strange characteristic of concrete made a significant contribution to the success of the Roman Empire,但是正确答案是在As the Roman Empire grow之后的句子中就出现了,所以关键的名词听到就要马上写下来。

