
2022-05-23 20:33:55


  Question 11


  定位原文:which is famous for its dolphin show and which has recently expanded to include sharks.

  解题思路:The next stop after the station is aquarium. aquarium是“水族馆”的意思,提示下文即将讨论在水族馆能看到什么。定位到which is famous for its dolphin show and which has recently expanded to include sharks. 和dolphin “海豚”并列的动物只有sharks “鲨鱼”。?

  Question 12

  答案:old fishing village/Old Fishing Village

  定位原文:the bus tour goes along the coast road and after a few kilometres comes to the Old Fishing Village

  解题思路:Leaving the aquarium, the bus tour goes...?提示即将到达下一站,而且这站是有游艇和动力船的地方,定位到the bus tour goes along the coast road and after a few kilometres comes to the Old Fishing Village 要注意景点是专有名词,地名的开头字母都应该大写。

  Question 13


  定位原文:… and this is where most of the shops are. So for those of you keen to do a bit of shopping this is the place for you.

  解题思路:The tour then heads off to the last sto…提示下文将讨论最后一站的内容,注意long是length的同义转述。定位到and this is where most of the shops are. So for those of you keen to do a bit of shopping this is the place for you. 最后一站是“商场最多的地方”,虽然录音中没有明确提到shopping centre, 通过上下文的提示可以直接推断出这个地方是一个shopping centre。

  Question 14

  答案:(water) fountain

  定位原文:This area of the town includes an ancient water fountain…

  解题思路:This area of the town includes…注意includes与has是同义的,提示下文将讨论在最后一站还有什么things to see。定位到 an ancient water fountain。Ancient意为“古老的”,是very old的同义转述。

  Question 15

  答案:student card

  定位原文:student tickets are £10 as long as you have a student card.

  解题思路:Now some details of the costs and timings. 提示下文即将讨论花费和时间的事宜。关键词是10英镑的票,定位到student tickets are £10 as long as you have a student card. 意思是“只要你有学生卡的话就可以买到10英镑的票”,as long as?在此处是 “只要,如果”的意思,对应need。

  Question 16

  答案:fifty/50 minutes/mins

  定位原文:到Buses leave every thirty minutes and each tour takes a total of fifty minutes.

  解题思路:The first bus of the day leaves the station at 10 am and the last one of the day leaves at 6 pm.

  此处提到首班车和末班车,提示下文即将讨论每趟巴士之旅的时长,定位到Buses leave every thirty minutes and each tour takes a total of fifty minutes。take在此处是last的同义转述,某件事花费了多长时间,可以用“something takes + 时间长度” 来表示,比如说,It takes an hour to watch this TV show. 或者

  “something lasts + 时间长度”来表示,比如说,This TV show lasts half an hour.

  Question 17


  定位原文:The bus tour tickets do not include entrance to any of these attractions apart from apart from the museum which is located near the aquarium.

  解题思路:The bus tour tickets do not include entrance to any of these attractions apart from… 提示下文车票能包含什么门票,apart from的意思是“除…之外”,同义词是except,对于这个短语的理解是找出答案的关键,定位到apart from the museum which is located near the aquarium。

  Question 18

  答案:tourist office


  解题思路:we cannot guarantee that every bus will have a guide and so we also have an audio

  commentary…提示下文将具体展开讨论audio commentary, 定位到紧随其后的that has been specially recorded for the bus tour by the tourist office. 注意has been recorded by是has been made by的同义转述。

  Question 19


  定位原文:It does occasionally rain here in the summer so if the weather looks bad, remember to bring some rainwear.

  解题思路:The weather is usually warm and sunny during these months so remember to bring some sun protection. 此处提到晴天需要带什么,就是提示下文即将讨论雨天要带什么。定位到it does occasionally rain here in the summer so if the weather looks bad, remember to bring some rainwear。occasionally rain(偶尔下雨)是weather is wet(天气潮湿)的同义转述,听到bring,就要反应出其后跟的是正确答案。

  Question 20

  答案:e(-)ticket/e ticket

  定位原文:When you do it online you can print your e-ticket which you must remember to bring with you.

  解题思路:When booking over the phone you can collect your tickets at any of the stops at the start of your tour,提示下文将讨论网络购票的注意事项,一定要留心这种语言表达上的并列逻辑,在booking over phone的讨论之后,自然会相应的谈到booking online,所以在booking over phone的讨论结束后,要留心听下一句。定位到When you do it online you can print your e-ticket which you must remember to bring with you。正确答案e-ticket比定位词bring先出现, 所以要留心听整句话,并且确保能听清楚定语从句which you must remember to bring with you修饰的先行词就是e-ticket。

