
2022-05-24 22:15:39


  CR bible在第一章就告诉了我们一些做CR的基本原则,直戳重点!读着让人眼前一亮,读完让人觉得豁然开朗。









  Question Types:

  1. Must be true/ Most supported 2. Main Point

  3. Assumptions 4. Strengthen/ Support

  5. Resolve the Paradox 6. Weaken

  7. Method of Reasoning 8. Flaw in theReasoning

  9. Parallel Reasoning 10.Evaluate the argument

  All question types are variations of three mainquestion “families”, and each family is comprised of question typesthat are similar to each other.

  Family #1: Prove Stimulus→Answer Choice Type: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9

  Family #2: Help Answer Choice→Stimulus Type: 3, 4, 5

  Family #3: Hurt AnswerChoice→ Stimulus Type: 6

  The arrows represent the flow of information: One part ofthe problem is simply accepted and the other part is affected.

  The First Family

  The Second Family

  The Third Family

  1. You must accept the stimulus information- even if it contains an error of reasoning- and use it to prove that one of the answer choices must be true.

  1. The information in the stimulus is suspect. There are often reasoning errors present, and depending on the question, you will help shore up the argument in some way.

  1. The information in the stimulus is suspect. There are often reasoning error present, and you will further weaken the argument in some way.

  2. Any information in an answer choice that does not appear either directly in the stimulus or as a combination of items in the stimulus will be incorrect.

  2. The answer choices are accepted as given, even if they include “new” information. Your task is to determine which answer choice best meets the question posed in the stem.

  2. The answer choices are accepted as given, even if they include “new” information. Your task is to determine which answer choice best attacks the argument in the stimulus.

  P.s. Often we see in question stem “The information above, if true, …”

  P.s. Often, we see in question stem “Which of the following, if true, … ”

  There are two basic rules to follow when analysing thediagrams:

  ①The part (stimulus or answer choices) at the start of thearrow is accepted as is, and no additional information can be brought in.

  ②The part (stimulus or answer choices) at the end of the arrowis what is affected or determined.

  注意:题干里的“Except” 和 “Least”

  “Except” here does not mean polar opposite. “Except”means “other than”, when a “weaken EXCEPT” question stem appears, you are askedto find any answer choice other than weaken. (Could strengthen the argument orsimply have no effect on the argument.)

  The word “least” has a similar effect to “except”, whenit appears in a question stem.




