2018雅思口语题库5-8月话题准备:Describe a situation-politeness

2022-05-25 17:27:37

  今天我们来说一个关于礼仪的雅思口语话题,什么时候应该有礼貌,然后这个话题又应该如何延伸。接下来一起看看雅思口语内容:2018雅思口语题库5-8月话题准备:Describe a situation-politeness

  Describe a situation when you had to be polite

  You should say:

  What situation it was

  Who were there

  Why you had to be polite

  How you showed politeness

  PART 3

  Are Chinese people becoming much politer or not?

  In what ways do Chinese people show politeness?

  What are the uncivilized manners on public transportation?

  What would you do when this happens?

  Should people show politeness to friends?

  以上为网带来的雅思口语内容:2018雅思口语题库5-8月话题准备:Describe a situation-politeness。预祝大家雅思口语对答如流,斩获高分!