雅思口语part 2人物题怎么开场?

2022-06-01 13:20:07

  一个好的开场白,不仅能够在雅思口语考试中带出你的口语发挥思路,同时也会给考官留下好印象,这里就人物类话题给大家一些开场建议,供大家备考参考。接下来请看雅思内容:雅思口语part 2人物题怎么开场?



  Describe an interesting neighbor you have.


  - Speaking of an interesting neighbor, it reminds me of Catherine who is kind and beautiful, just moving in my community several months ago.

  - In terms of an interesting neighbor, I am about to talk about Catherine who is kind and beautiful, just moving in my community several months ago.

  以上就是雅思内容:雅思口语part 2人物题怎么开场?  更多雅思口语话题,请关注