520 Hwy. 1 North, Camden, SC 29020
卡姆登军校的历史可以追溯到1892年,1958-59年起学校开始在位于南卡罗莱纳州的卡姆登建校授课。该校由三所学校合并而成:卡莱尔军校Carlisle Military School(1892年 至1977年在南卡州的班贝克授课)、卡姆登学校Camden Academy,(1949年之1957年在卡姆登校园授课)、卡姆登军校Camden Military Academy(1974年成立)。
卡姆登军校如今有来自全美和世界各国的300名学生,获得南部院校协会(Southern Association of Colleges and Schools)的充分认证,是全美独立学校协会National Association of Independent Schools、南部独立学校协会Southern Association of Independent Schools、南卡罗莱纳独立院校协会Palmetto Association of Independent Schools 、美国军事院校协会Association of Military Colleges and Schools in the United States的会员。
卡姆登军校现任校长是Colonel Eric Boland,他在该校工作了二十多年,并自2003年起担任校长。卡姆登军校招收7-12年级以及PG的学生,开设大学预备课程。毕业生必须完成24个学分方可毕业。
English 英语 Mathematics 数学
Science 科学 History 历史
Modern Foreign Language 外语 Computer Literacy 计算机
Recent graduates have attended are The Citadel, Clemson, Emory & Henry, Georgia Tech, George Washington, Hillsdale, North Carolina State, Norwich, Ohio State, the United States Military Academy at West Point, Vanderbilt, Virginia Military Institute, Wake Forest, and the Universities of Maryland, North Carolina and South Carolina.
Bishop Carroll Catholic High School
University of the West of Scotland
Eastern Oregon University
Palm Valley School
Indiana University East
Louisville Collegiate School
Princess Helena College
University of Glamorgan
Albany Senior High School
Swan Reach Area School
Mount Hood Community College
The Bishop’s School
Lower Columbia College
University of California, San Francisco
Eastern Arizona College
Xavier University
California State University,San Bernardino
Mountain View Academy
Bishop Kearney High School
Cornell College
Bishop Carroll Catholic High School
University of the West of Scotland
Eastern Oregon University
Palm Valley School
Indiana University East
Louisville Collegiate School
Princess Helena College
University of Glamorgan
Albany Senior High School
Swan Reach Area School
Mount Hood Community College
The Bishop’s School
Lower Columbia College
University of California, San Francisco
Eastern Arizona College
Xavier University
California State University,San Bernardino
Mountain View Academy
Bishop Kearney High School
Cornell College
Bishop Carroll Catholic High School
University of the West of Scotland
Eastern Oregon University
Palm Valley School
Indiana University East
Louisville Collegiate School
Princess Helena College
University of Glamorgan
Albany Senior High School
Swan Reach Area School
Mount Hood Community College
The Bishop’s School
Lower Columbia College
University of California, San Francisco
Eastern Arizona College
Xavier University
California State University,San Bernardino
Mountain View Academy
Bishop Kearney High School
Cornell College
Bishop Carroll Catholic High School
University of the West of Scotland
Eastern Oregon University
Palm Valley School
Indiana University East
Louisville Collegiate School
Princess Helena College
University of Glamorgan
Albany Senior High School
Swan Reach Area School
Mount Hood Community College
The Bishop’s School
Lower Columbia College
University of California, San Francisco
Eastern Arizona College
Xavier University
California State University,San Bernardino
Mountain View Academy
Bishop Kearney High School
Cornell College
Bishop Carroll Catholic High School
University of the West of Scotland
Eastern Oregon University
Palm Valley School
Indiana University East
Louisville Collegiate School
Princess Helena College
University of Glamorgan
Albany Senior High School
Swan Reach Area School
Mount Hood Community College
The Bishop’s School
Lower Columbia College
University of California, San Francisco
Eastern Arizona College
Xavier University
California State University,San Bernardino
Mountain View Academy
Bishop Kearney High School
Cornell College