
2022-05-25 09:55:32









  1.Grammar & Math

  * 以下3题来自2008年1月Section 8

  Q1. (S07_Q34-错误率82.24%)

  Which of the following is the best versionof the underlined portion of sentence 8 (reproduced below)?

  Almost all drugs go through strict testingbefore approval and failing at least once.

  (A) (as it is now)

  (B) approval, failing

  (C) approval; failure occurring

  (D) approval; they failed

  (E) approval but they have failed

  Q2. (S07_Q26-错误率80.92%)

  (A) For any mayor of a vast metropolitanarea, an (B) understanding of current issues in all districts (C) is not only(D) desirous but also vital. (E) No error

  Q3. (S07_Q35-错误率80.92%)

  Which of the following is the best versionof the underlined portion of sentence14 (reproduced below)?

  A scientist who finds that a hypothesis isfalse can then try to develop a new one based on the information obtained.

  (A) (As it is now)

  (B) A scientist, finding a hypothesis isfalse, can have tried to develop

  (C) Finding a hypothesis as false, ascientist would try to develop

  (D) A false hypothesis can have a scientistnow try to develop

  (E) Hypotheses that are false can teach ascientist; they develop


  Q1: 这道语法题主要是很多同学不敢选B,认为B选项的failing表示同时发生,而根据逻辑语义又无法同时发生,所以failing是错误的,这里的failing表示的是伴随的一种状况。A选项有语法错误,C选项分号后应该是完整的句子,D选项和E选项的时态错误。

  Q2: 这道题考察desirable和desirous的区别:desirous表示“渴望的”,其后加of,主语一般是人,表示某人对事物的渴望;desirable表示“值得得到的”,主语一般是物,或某件事。通过题意我们可以看出这里应该是desirable。

  Q3: B. can have tried错误;C. wouldtry to错误;D. a false hypothesis做主语改变句子的逻辑意思,同时havesb do sth这个结构错误;E的they代表hypotheses,显然跟原文的意思相违背。

  * 该题来自2008年5月Section 6

  Q4. (Q29-错误率85.89%)

  Quincy took Dan to Derek's home (A) for avisit, (B) never imagining that five years (C) would pass before (D) seeingDerek again. (E) No error



  * 以下3题来自2005年10月Section 10

  Q5. (RT0510_S06_Q11-W)

  Intimacy, love, and marriage are threedifferent, if interrelated, subjects.

  (A) different, if interrelated, subjects

  (B) interrelated subjects, being, however,different

  (C) different subjects, whereas they areinterrelated

  (D) different subjects when interrelated

  (E) subjects that are different althoughbeing interrelated

  Q6. (RT0510_S06_Q10-W)

  When for the first time the United Statesimported more oil than it exported, Americans should have realized that anenergy crisis was imminent and couldhappen in the future.

  (A) was imminent and could happen in thefuture

  (B) could happen imminently in the future

  (C) will be imminent and happening soon

  (D) is an imminent thing

  (E) might be imminent

  Q7. (RT0510_S06_Q29-W)

  The cost of (A) safely disposing of thetoxic chemicals (B) is approximately (C) five times what the company paid (D)to purchase it. (E) No error



  Q6:考察语法常见的重复:imminent与happen inthe future是重复的,类似的考点还有: discovery& find; annual & every year; continue & go on等,最好不要在同一个句子中出现。

  Q7:典型的语法错误--代词使用:这里面的代词指的是toxic chemicals,所以应该是them。

  * 该题来自2005年10月Section 5

