
2022-05-26 18:05:34


  题材 医疗健康

  题型 选择题 3+判断 6+句子填空 5

  文章大意 本文讲述了氟化物添加对健康影响。对要不要对饮用水进行氟化处理,学者




  1. How hot is the area A

  2. People should not be forced to take compulsory medication

  3. To demonstrate that scientists’ finding will be influenced by social factors


  4. 待补充

  5. Science should not decide policy

  6. Scientific and social factors should be separated No

  7. Many sociologist ignore S’s study

  8. S work was not emphasized by sicnetists outside the northern America NG

  9. Both supporters and opponents have made valid argument. YES


  10. Science is objective and unbiased

  11. Can be affected by social factors

  12. Scientific discovery cannot be understood at first

  13. Cautious action is not necessary

  14. People should have the right to choose

  文章题目 Coastal sculpture

  重复年份 20160507 20140712 20130105

  题材 艺术

  题型 段落细节配对 5+人名配对题 5+句子填空 3

  文章大意 海边雕塑。文章一共聊了 3 座海岸边的知名雕塑的来源与现况,并上升到,






  14. A misunderstanding regarding financing of the construction of artwork. C

  15. A suggestion of a place with fewer visitors than it used to be. D

  16. Positive comments regarding all three pieces of artwork. E

  17. How a talk change people's opinions. D

  18. Reference of an artwork that turned out to cost the public a lot. B


  A. Antony's figure B. Moe's status C. Lost church

  19. It commemorates a hero. B

  20. Some people like to make physical contact with it. A

  21. It is welcomed by local people. B

  22. It has been shown In other place. A

  23. People fear it will cause accident. C

  文章题目 Ocean power

  重复年份 20150829A 20091024

  题材 能源

  题型 选择 3+配对 5+句子填空 5

  文章大意 本文介绍了各种海洋资源,包括了潮汐能、洋流能、波浪能和海底热能。。



  在海洋中建立 Tidal power plant 的 positive effects?

  A. A range of sea shore

  B. cost of establishing a tidal power plant

  C. it is helpful to establish transportation system

  D. effect of fish and some other sea life around


  A. Tidal energy

  B. Current energy

  C. Thermal energy

  1. which kind of energy has already been subject to a successful trial A

  2. A

  3. Which kind of energy has been largely used during the past time? B

  4. Which kind of energy has failed in an experiment? C


  1. Water, above 30 ℃, will be 冲到水底产生能量

  2. ammonia

  3. 热能机制里用到了水冲刷 turbine 的原理

  4. 深度是海底 500 米
