
2022-05-19 14:28:13


  词汇题是指理解某些词语在文章中的具体意思,即:determine from context what a particular word, phrase, or statement most nearly means。基本上每一次SAT考试阅读部分都会涉及到这类题目。它的主要的出题方式是:

  1. As it is used in line X, the word Y most nearly means:

  2. As it is used in line X, the word Y means:

  3. The Y mentioned in line X most nearly refers to:

  通常,我们可以将词汇题分成两种考查方式:熟词僻意和生僻词汇。所谓熟词僻意,就是考查常见单词或短语(familiar words),可能考查这个单词或短语常用的意思,也可能考查这个单词不常用的意思。比如,在之前的


  Aberrant – abnormal or deviant. AbstrACT – theoretical; not concrete. Accolade – award of merit.

  Acquiesce – assent; agree without protesting.

  Acrimonious – bitter in words or manner.

  Acute – quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe.

  Adulation – flattery; admiration. Adversary – opponent. Advocate – urge; plead for.

  Affable – easily approachable; warmly friendly. Ameliorate – improve; make more SATisfACTory. Amorphous – formless; lacking shape pr definition. Antagonistic – hostile; opposed.

  Antithesis – contrast; direct opposite of or to. Apprehension – fear; disconcernment. Archaic – antiquated.

  Ascetic – prACTicing self-denial; austere.

