
2022-06-08 21:03:00



  雅思口语已经进入了 9月换题月。9月换题季开始,以下为本场高频题

  1. a time someone or something made noise

  2. an electronic machine you want to buy

  3. a park that you can relax

  4. a law that can help your country to protect environment

  5. an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child


  Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child

  You should say:

  what the game was

  when, where and with whom you usually played it

  how you played it

  and explain why you still remember this game or you liked this game.

  Well, the indoor I liked most when I was a kid is definitely hide and seek. It!s the easiest but the most thrilling(令人兴奋的)game ever. I remember I always did this game with my bosom buddies(密友).First we would choose a member to be the seeker, and then the rest had to find places to hide themselves. After the seeker finished counting from 1 to 10, he or she would open the eyes and try his or her best to find us. The first guy getting caught would be the next seeker. I remember once I hid in my mother's closet and fell asleep. It was my mother who finally discovered my secret location,which was really amusing(引人发笑的).All of kids were crazy about this game because it was a great way to kill the time and have fun. Plus, it could enhance our friendships. Most importantly, it could involve in quite a number of kids at a time and we did not need any equipment. All we needed to do was to find a secret location and hide ourselves safely.
