
2022-06-02 22:25:13


  1.rewarding / 2. satisfying 满意的,值得的

  “I have a rewarding job.”

  “My career has been satisfying for several reasons.”

  “My time in Sydney has been rewarding.”

  下面让咱们来看看在实战中 good 的替换词是怎么用的:

  考官: Do you prefer to work for a large or small company?

  考生:“It is for this reason that I feel working for a large company is more satisfying than working for a small company.”

  中国学生往往说的是:......that's why working for a large company is better than a small company.

  好吧,也许说的太高大上了,很多同学真的是这么说的:Ithink working for a large company is good. 连比较级都没有用上。

  3.merit 优点,荣誉

  这个单词中国学生在出国前其实并不常见,但是出国以后你会发现,在学霸的证书上经常会出现这个次,表示优点和荣誉的意思。 在硕士毕业证上如果写着 master with merit 就表示这个人拿到的是优等硕士生。

  同时,这个词也可以作为 good 的替换词来使用,瞬间就觉得高大上了呢。

  写作时也可使用:Some people believe that diet and exercise in a population are largely the responsibility of the government. Others feel people should…

  考生:“Thus, the argument that governments should be responsible for the diets and exercise levels of citizens holds merit.”

  4.optimal 最优的,最大化的

  这个词是个很好用的替换词,可以替换各种good的最高级形式“best” 同时,在用这个词的时候你会觉得口语地道了很多。

  考官: At what time of the day are you most productive?

  考生:“My optimal work time is in the morning. It is when my mind is clearest and I can…”

  写作时也可使用: Pie charts comparing the diets of older men in varying states of health.

  “The second pie chart illustrates optimal weightings of fat, carbohydrates and protein for men aged 50 and older.”

  Alternatives for “faster/slower”

  5.accelerate 加速,促进

  这个单词说出来就很酷炫对不?这是个动词,相比于 be动词+faster/slower 这种形式 就会让考官觉得你的词汇量很大~


  “The clubs I joined at university accelerated my studies.”

  “Careers in high tech are typically accelerated in my hometown as many young people engage internships at the nearby tech park.”


  例如小作文图表题: “Growth of laptop sales accelerated between 2002 and 2004.”

  大作文也可能会用得到:Young people learn more and at an accelerated speed through the use of technology.

  6.retard 减速,阻碍

  有同学又要问了,faster 对应加速,

  那么 slower呢?减速怎么说?

