
2022-05-25 00:09:47

  1. acid, acri, acrid, acu=sour, sharp, 尖,酸,锐利 acid acidulous acute acrimonious

  2. act=to do, to drive, 行动,做 actate enact react

  3. aer, aero, aeri=air, 空气,充气 aerate aerial aerosphere

  4. ag=do, act, 做,代理做 agile agent agitate

  5. agri, agro, agr=field, land, 田地,农业 agriculture agrarian agrobiology

  6.alter, altern,ali=other, to change, 其他的,改变状态 alterable alteration alternative, amor, amat=love, 爱,情爱 amiable amicable amity

  8.ambul=walk, 行走,走路 ambulance ambulant

  9.anim=life, spirit, 生命,精神 animate magnanimous unanimous equanimity

  10. ann, enn=year, 年,一年 annual anniversary annuity perennial

  11. anthrop=man, human, 人,人类 anthropology philanthropist

  12.apt, ept=fit, ability, 适应,能力 aptitude adaptable adaptation adept

  13.aqu=water, 水 aquatic subaquesous

  14.arch, archy=ruler, rule, chief, 统治者,统治,主要的 anarchy patriarch architecture

  archipelago(群岛), joint, trick, 技巧,关节,诡计 artifact artificial artisan ariticle

  16.astro, aster=star, 星星 disaster astrology, audit=hear, 听 audibible auditorium audition audience

  18.av, avar, avi=desire, bird, 渴望,鸟 aviation avid aviator

  19.ball, bol=throw, dance, ball, 抛,舞,球 balloon ballad

  20.bas, base=low, foundation, 低下,基础 baseless debase abase

  21.bell, bel=war, fight, 战争,打斗 rebel belligerent bellicose rebellion, bi=life, 生命,生物 biology autobiography biosphere symbiotic

  23.brev, bridg=short, 短,缩短 abbreviate brevity brief

  24.cad, cas, cid=fall, 落下,降临 casualty occasion decaent coincide incident occident

  25.cand=white, glow, 白,发光 candid candor candidate incandescent

  26.cant, cent=sing, song, 唱歌 cant recant(取消) accent accentuate=

  27.cap, capt, cept, ceive, cip, cup=take, hold, seize, 拿,抓,握住

  captive capture accept receptacle conceive deceive perceive conceit

  anticipate emancipate participant preoccupation occupant

  28.cap, cipit=head, 头 capacity captain capitulate precipitate

  29.card, cord=heart, 心脏,一致 cordial concord discord accord cardinal

  30.carn=flesh, 肉,肉欲 carnal carnival carnivorous

  31.ced, ceed, cess=go, 行走,前进 accede antecedent intercede recede

  excessive succeed access successive recession

  32.celer=quick, speed, 快,速 celerity accelerate decelerate

  33.cent=hundred, 一百 centimeter percent percentage

  34.centr=center, 中心 concentrate centripetal concentric, cert, cret=sure, separate, 搞清,区别 concern discern discernmible ascertain

  certificate discrete discreet

  36.chron=time, 时间 chroic chronicle anachronism synchronize synchronous

  37.cid, cis=cut, kill, 切开,杀 decide homicide insecticide suicide concise

  38.circ, cycl=ring, circle, 圆,环 circular circulate circuitous encircle bicycle recycle

  39.cit=quote, call, 引用,唤起 excite incite recite

  40.claim, clam=cry out, shout, 呼喊,叫喊 acclaim declaim disclaim exclaim reclaim clamor

  41.clear, clar,clair=clear, bright, 清楚,明白 clarify declaration clairvoyanc

  42.clin, cliv=lean, slope, 倾斜,斜坡 decline incline proclivity

  43.clos, clud, clus=close, 关闭 closure disclose enclose conclusive

  exclude recluse preclude include seclude occlude

  44.corp, corpor=body, 身体,团体corporation corporate corporal corpulent

  45.cracy=rule, 统治或政体,crat=ruler, 统治者 democracy autocracy

  bureaucracy plutocracy theocracy monocracy

  46.creed, cred=believe, trust, 相信,信任 credible discredit credulous incredulity

  47.cre, creas=grow, make, 增长,产生 creature decrease increase crescent concrete

  48.cruc, crus, crux=cross, 十字形,交叉crucial crusade cruise

  49.crypt=secret, hidden, 秘密,隐藏 cryptic apocryphal decrypt

  50.cub, cumb=lie down, 躺;cumber=barrier, 躺的东西,障碍 incubation succumb incumbent

  51.cult=till, 耕种,培养 cultivate culture cult occult

  52.cur=care, 关心 procure(获得)secure accurate curator

  53.cur(r), curs, cour, cours=run, 跑,发生 concur incur incursive#p#分页标题#e#

  recur cursory excurse precursor

  54.dem(o)=people, 人民,人们 democtracy demagogy endemic pandemic

  55.dent=tooth, 牙齿 dentist denture indented indenture

  56.derm, dermat=skin, 皮肤 dermal epidermis

  57.dict, dic=say, assert, 说话,断言 dictate dictionary contradict edict

  indictment abdicate dedicate indicate vindicate addict interdict

  58.dign=worthy, noble, 值得,高贵 condign dignity dignify indignant

  59.doc, doct=to teach, 教doctor doctrine doctrinaire docile document

  60.don, dit=give, 给予 donate donor condone antidote anecdote edit

  61.du, dub, doub=two, 二,双 dual dubious doubtful duplicate

  62.duc, duct=lead, bring, 引导,带来ductile abduct deduce induce induct reduce viaduct

  63.dur=last, hard, 持久,坚硬 durable duration endure indurate obdurate

  64.dyn, dynam=power, 力量 dynamo adynamic

  65.em, empt =take, procure, 拿,获得 exempt redeem peremptory preemptiveexemplify

  66.equ, equi=equal, even, 相等,平均 equality equable equator equivalent equivocal

  67.erg, ert=energy, work, 能量,活动 energy energetic synergic lethargic

  68.err=wander, mistake, 漫游,犯错误errant erroneous erratic aberrant

  69.ev=age, 年龄,时代 primeval medieval

  70.fabl, fabul=speak, 讲,说 fable affable ineffable

  71.fac, fic=face, 脸,面 facetious preface efface superficial

  72.fac, fact, fect, fic, fig=make, do, 做,制作 facile facilitate benefactor benefaction

  73.fall, fail, fault=err, deceive, 犯错误,欺骗 fallacy infallible falsify failure

  74.fer=bring, carry, 带来,拿来 confer offer defer differ infer prefer refer

  75.ferv=boil, 沸,热 fervent fervor effervescent

  76.fid=trust, faith, 相信,信念 confident confidential diffident perfidy

  77.fin=end, boundary, 结束,范围 finance infinite confine define

  78.flam, flagr=blaze, 火焰 inflame inflammable flammable flagrant

  79.flect, flex=bend, 弯曲 deflect inflect

  80.flict=strike, 打击 conflict inflict afflict

  81.flor, flour=flower, 花 flourish florid

  82.flu=flow, 流动 flow influx fluent

  83.forc, fort=strong, 强大,力量 fortify fortitude

  84.form=shape, 形状 formidable inform deform

  85.fract, frag=break, 打碎 fracture fragile

  86.frig, friger=cold, 冷 frigerator

  87.fug=flee, 逃,离开 fugitive

  88.fus=pour, 流,泻 infuse confuse

  89.gen, gener, genit=birth, produce, 出生,产生 generate gene gender generator

  90.geo=earth, 地,地球 geography

  91.gest, gister=carry, bring, 带来,产生 ingest digest

  92.gnos(t), gnor=know, 知道 agnostic knowledge

  93.gon=angle, 角 paragon pentagon

  94.grad=step, grade, 步,级 degrade upgrade

  95.graph, gram=write, 写,图 paragraph telogram

  96.grat, gree=pleasing, 感激,高兴 gratify

  97.grav, griev=heavy, 重 gravity grieve

  98.greg=group, 群体 gregarious aggregate

  99.gress=go, walk, digress(走向岔道) congress

  101.habit=dwell, 居住 inhabitant

  102.hap=chance, 机会 haphazard(偶然的)

  103.her,hes=stick, 粘附 inherent conherent adherent

  104.hibit=hold, 拿住 inhibit prohibit prohibitive

  105.hum=earth, 土,地 humid human humane

  106.hydr, hydro=water, 水 hydrate

  107.idea, ideo=idea, 思想,观点 idealological

  108.idio=peculiar, private, 特殊的,个人的 idiosyncratic, 行走 remit transmit mission

  110.ject=throw, cast, 投掷,扔 inject deject reject

  111.junct, join=join, 结合,连接 conjunction adjunction

  112.judg, judic=judge, 判断 judicious judicial

  113.jur, juris=swear, law, 发誓,法律 conjure abjure

  114.juven=young, 年轻 juvenile rejuvenate

  115.labor=labor, 劳动 collaborate elaborate

  116.laps=slip, 滑,滑走 lapse relaps collaps out, 拿出,带出 relate dilate elate inflate

  118.lav, luv, lut=wash, 洗,冲洗行走 lava lavish dilute deluge

  119.lud, lus=play, 玩,戏剧 ludicrous allde elude elusive

  120.magn=big, 大 magnify magnanimous, manu=hand, 手 mannul emancipate

  122.meter, metr, mens, meas=measure, 计量,测量#p#分页标题#e#

  123.venge=punish, 惩罚,引申为报仇 revenge vengeful

  124.ver=true, 真实 vertify veracity

  125.verb=word, 词语 verbose

  126.vers, vert=turn, 转 convert divert

  127.vest=clothes, 衣服 divest, via, vey, voy=way, 道路 voyage viaduct

  129.vict, vinc=conquer, overcome, 征服,克服 evict convict convince

  130.vid, vis=see, 看 evident provisional visionary provisonary

  131.viv, vit, vig=life, 生命 vivid convivial

  132.voc, vok=call, voice, 叫喊,声音 advocate equivocate vocal

  133.vol, volunt=wish, will, 意志,意愿 volition volable

  134.volv, volu, volt=roll, turn, 卷,转 volume voluminous convoluted

  135.vor=eat, 吃 voracious herbivorous carnivorous

  136.vulg=people 人群 divulge vulgar

  139.misc=mix, 混淆 mixture miscellaneous

  140.mon, monit=warn, 警告 admonish monitor

  141.mort=death, 死 mortify(折磨) amortize(分期偿还)

  142.mut=change, 改变 commute mutation immutable

  143.pel 推动 dispel repel compel impel

  144.ped 脚 pedant pedestrian pedagogue

  145.pen, pun=penalty, 惩罚 penalty pensive penitent

  146.pend, pens=hang, 悬挂 depend suspend compendious(简洁的)

  147.phil, philo=love, 爱 <> phob, phobia=dislike, 厌恶

  148.ple, plen, pet, pli=full, fill, 满,填满 replenish(装满)replete(装满)complete deplete

  149.point, punct=point, make sharp, 点,变尖 compunction punctual poignant, 挤压 impress oppress depress repress

  151.pugn=fight, 打斗 impugn pugnacious(好斗的)

  152.rap, rapt, rav=snatch, 捕,夺 rapacious(贪婪的)ravenous(贪婪的)rapture(狂喜)

  153.rog=ask, 要求,问 abrogate(废除),derogate(贬低)

  154.rupt=break, 断裂 erupt abrupt corrupt rupture

  155.sati, satis, satur=enough, full of food, 足够,饱足 satify satiable

  156.scend, scens, scent=climb, 爬,攀 ascend descend condescend descendant

  157.sci=know, 知道 conscious conscientious presient

  158.scrib, script=write, 写 describe subscribe inscribe prescribe proscribe

  159.secut, sequ=follow, 跟随 prosecute presecute consequence consequential subsequent

  160.sect, seg=cut, divide, 切,割 section sector intersect segment

  161.sens, sent=feel, 感觉 sensible sensitive sentimental resentful dissent assent consent

  162.sert=join, insert, 加入,插入 insert assert desert desertation

  163.sid=sit, 坐 assiduous dissident reside preside

  164.sist=stand, 站立 insist consist superstitious(封建的)

  165.soci=companion, 同伴,社会 social associate

  166.somn=sleep, 睡眠 somber insomnia(失眠症)

  167.son=sound, 声音 consonant supersonic dissonant

  168.soph=wise, 智慧,聪明 philosophy sophisticated

  169.spect, spic=look, see, 看 inspect circumspect conspicuous

  170.spers=scatter, 散开 disperse asperse(诽谤), sta, stat, stan, stant, stin=stand, 站,立 sturdy stanch static(静态的)status stature(雕像) stationary(静止的,不动的)

  172.strain, strict, string=tighten, 拉紧 stringent(严格的)constricted(狭窄的)

  173.struct=build, 建立 construct constructive obstruct obstructive

  174.tact, tag, tig, ting=touch, 接触 tactile intact contagious contingent

  175.tain, ten, tin, tinu=hold, 拿住 abstinent tenacious obstinate

  176.tect=cover, 盖上 detect

  177.tend, tent, tens=stretch, 伸展 tendencious

  178.tenu=thin, 细,薄 tenuous attenuate tenuate

  179.termin=limit, 界限 terminal terminator determin

  180.terr=earth, 土地 terror territorial deteriorate

  181.text=weave, 编织 textile texture

  182.the(o)=god, 神 antithetic(对立的) theology

  183.tim=fear, 害怕 timid timorous

  184.tom, tomy=cut, 切割 anatomy epitomy

  185.tort=twist, 扭曲 contort distort torture torment

  186.tour, torn=turn, 转 tornade attorney

  187.tox=poison, 毒 toxity toxable

  188.tract=draw, 拉,拖 intractable detract

  189.trem=quiver, 颤抖 tremor

  190.tribut=give, 给予 distribute retribute contribute tribute

  191.un, uni=one, 单一,一个 unify unanimous

  192.vac, vacu, van, void=empty, 空vacuum devoid avoid evacuate evanescent#p#分页标题#e#

  193.vag, vagr=wander, 漫游 extravagant

  194.vail, val=strong, 强壮 valor avail

  195.val,valu=value, 价值 equivalent ambivalent

  196.vari, vary=change, 变化 variance varied

  197.ven, vent=come, 来 advent venture

  198.sen 老 senior senile senescent(渐老的)

  199.pur, purg=pure, 纯洁 pure purgation(净化)

  200.rect=straight, right, 正,直 rectangle rectify surrectitious(鬼鬼祟祟的)
