
2022-05-20 18:42:54


  In order to become financially responsible adults, children should learn to manage their own money at young age.

  In our society, people cannot live a normalized existence without money. In order to eat, live comfortably, attract a mate and support a family, one must use money. Arguably, a well-arranged finance leads to a higher quality of life, both financially and mentally. All parents must decide whether to teach their children to manage their own finances at a young age in order to make them learn about the harsh realities of personal economics or weather to shield this side of life from them until they are older.

  It is probable that most children will waste their money instead of spending it on worthy items or saving it for later consumption, no matter what adults teach them. For children, money is something that can help them get sweets, toys or items that satisfy their immediate desires. Once they have got money of their own, they would rather spend the last penny to get a piece of chocolate immediately instead of saving it for more useful items in the future. Children are more likely to want to satisfy their immediate desires. If parents choose to let children manage their own finances, then the children would presumably learn over time to put off their immediate desires if it allows them to save up money for something significant. If parents do not give children their own money to manage, then the children will not spend money on unnecessary chocolate, but they will also not learn how to delay their desires for greater rewards.

  It is also possible that having ones’ own money at a very young age may distort children's concept of money. If children are given money to manage by their parents without earning it through chores, then they will not understand the vital concept of earning the money they are given. Take my little sister as an example. She got 10-yuan for her 6th birthday and spent the money immediately on a toy bear. Just a few days later, she got tired of the toy and demanded that she be given money to buy a Hello Kitty figure instead. I told her that she should cherish the things. To my surprise, she said, "it doesn't matter, I can get as much money as I like, my parents will give me money." I cannot blame her, since how can a 6-year-old girl understand that money is earned through hard work. In children's eyes, money can be obtained easily. A distorted concept of money formed during childhood is potentially very dangerous if it is not changed before one reaches adulthood. This is why parents may want to deeply consider before giving children money without putting in place an “earning” system.

  Parents have a difficult job in deciding whether to give children their own money to manage or to manage it for them. On the one hand, if they shelter their children from the realities of money, their children may fail to learn important life lessons such as how to postpone desire. On the other, if they simply give their children money then their children may not develop an understanding of how money must be earned, which in some way, could also lead to problems.
