
2022-05-28 07:04:26

  Amber and Ted Heat up the Kitchen

  1. Ted, when I met you, it was love at first sight [一见钟情].

  2. I was nuts about you from the beginning too. I broke up with [分手] that girl Tiffany after I met you.

  3. Give me a break [得了吧,饶了我吧], Amber! We don't have time for that now. We need to crank out [produce quickly or in a routine manner] these cookies.

  4. I'm head over heels in love with you. But it's crunch time [a short period of time when there’s high pressure for achieve results,时间紧迫] with these cookies.

  5. You've got a one-track mind [一根筋].

  6. I’ll keep plugging away [苦干].

  7. He treats me like dirt!

  8. Are you making cookies or making out [热吻]?
