托福口语task 5题型及出题规律剖析

2022-05-18 19:55:09


  第五类型题的提问方式非常固定:“briefly describe the problem that was discussed in the converSATion and to state which of the two solutions you prefer, and explain why you prefer that solution”. 问题中包含如下四个要点:1. The problem(对话中当事人遇到什么问题或麻烦?比如时间冲突:time conflict等问题);2,2 solutions(解决问题的2个方案是什么?);3, My suggestion(考生建议当事人作何选择);4,My reasons(考生提供的原因,练习时最好做到提供2点原因,可直接借用听力中出现的信息,提供一个选项的好处和另外一个选项的弊端;如在听力中有漏掉的信号,也可考虑自己想理由自圆其说)。


  In the converSATion, the man/ woman has a problem that_______. There’re 2 solutions to solve out the problem. The 1st one is to ______,the 2nd one is to_______. Personally speaking, I suggest the man/woman to________. ∵1, _______; 2, _________.


  本文是托福口语task 5题型及出题规律剖析。接下来我们看一下托福口语Task5出题规律:



  A: Hey Steve !Are you ready for classes to start?

  B :Not really ! There is still a bigconflict in my course scheduled.

  A:What's wrong ?

  B:This is my last semester, and I'vestill got two required courses left to take in order to finish my literaturedegree.

  从该对话中,我们得知麻烦事是 B同学还有2门课没上。是哪个讯号得知这个答案的,很明显是what's wrong.同理可证,类似的表达法如what bothers you? You look upset 等也是可以把答案引出来的。另外,这次问题是在交替的对话中出现,你一眼我一句,很像联欢晚会,每个主场人都有话可说,没有抢词的情况。重点在于都是A同学抛个引子,也许是找话聊,并非真心关心B同学,B同学就把苦水吐出来。


  A:Hey ,Mary! What's wrong?

  B :I'm just struggling about what to do.. I won an award from the CreativeWriting Institute for a story I wrote ,and ....

  A:That doesn't sound like anythingwrong

  B :Well, it's a huge honor to win, andthere's an award ceremony .they've invited me to attend ,which I'm so excitedabout ,but…..and here's what's frustrating I've got a biology exam that'sschedule for the same time


  A:hey,Mary ! How's your volunteer workgoing?

  You stillinvolved that after-school program with the elementary school kids?

  B :Yeah, but I 've got a problem. I 'msupposed to be driving a bunch of them to the zoo tomorrow


  那这种套路非常重要,因为答案要说到The woman's problem is that she works as a volunteerand she is gonna take some children to the zoo.


  在做类似的套路时要留心引出的信息,因为很多考生有时大意,未能完整捕捉信息,导致复述时信息丢失,那就会被扣,即评分标准里的topic development. 留心,留心。

  以上的内容就是小编整理的托福口语task 5题型及出题规律剖析,第五题考点的设置方法有很多,可简单可复杂。
