
2022-05-24 09:24:13
考试日期: 2012年8月25日
Part 1考题总结
考题总结: Self-introduction and personal information
1. friends and family member
Do you like make friends?
Who are more important in your life, friends or family member?
What makes a friend into the best friend?
What’s the meaning of your Chinese name
2. Hobbies and interests
what is your favorite color?
What kind of activity do you often do in your spare time?
How do you often relax yourself?
Do you like reading?
What kind of book do you like best?
What type of clothes do you often wear?
Do you like fashion?
What do you think about fashion?
Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport?
What kinds of sports do elderly people like doing in China?
Do you like swimming? Do you like swimming in the pool or sea?
Do you think it is important for children to know how to swim?
Do you like toys? What kind of toy did you like when you were a little girl/ boy?
3. House/Apartment
Do you live in a house or flat?
What pleasant thing you will do with your family in your house/ flat?
Which rooms do you like best in your house/flat?
If you have a chance to redesign your house, what will u do?
What’s on the wall of your house/ flat?
Do you prefer to invite your friends to your home or be invited to your friend’s home?
4. Park or Garden
How often do you go to the park or garden?
Do you think it is important to build parks or gardens?
What do people often do inside?
5. Mass media
Do you think the mobile phone is important?
How do you often use the mobile phone?
Do you prefer to make phone calls or send messages?
What are the disadvantages of the mobile phone?
What can the mobile phone bring us in the future?
Do you often use the computer?
When do you often use the computer?
How important is the computer to you?
Do you often send e-mails?
6. Weather
What’s the weather like in your hometown?
What’s your favorite weather?
What do you like to do in this kind of weather?
Does the weather ever affect what you do?
7. Language
How many languages can you speak?
Do you think it is important to learn languages?
8. Holiday
Do you like holidays?
What do you think about the public holidays?
Do you think it is important to have holidays?
How do you often spend your holidays?
9. Color
What’s your favorite color? Why?=Do you usually (or always) wear clothes in your favorite color?
Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?
What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?
What kind of color do you dislike?
10. Flowers / gifts /numbers/ Cooking / Food
Do you love flowers?
When do Chinese usually send or receive flowers?
When was the last time you received or sent flowers?
What special meanings do flowers have in China?
When was the last time you sent or received gifts?
You love to get gifts or send gifts? Explain why.
How to remember those complicated numbers?
What special meanings do different numbers have in China?
What kind of food do you love? Do you love cooking? Explain why.
11. study & work
Are you studying or working?
How was your first day of your college?
Do you love your major?
If you were working, which would be more important for you, the happiness of work or the income of work?
What are the difficulties in your job?
Part 2&3考题总结
1. a family member in the past who lived an interesting life
2. the couple who you know have a sweet marriage
3. the happiest person you know or ever met
4. a musician or group that is popular in your country
5. a famous person in your country/city
6. a child you ever interacted with
7. a character in a TV program/film
8. an interesting old person
9. the happiest person you know
10. a friend you haven’t been in contact for a long time
11. a person who helped you
12. best friend
1. a natural beauty you want to visit in the future
2. an important city in your country
3. favorite street or road in your city or town
4. a building in your city
5. a place near water(river, lake, sea) you have travelled to
6. a national building
7. Describe one foreign city you want to go
You should say:
Where is it
Did you ever go there?
What do you want to do there?
Is there something different in the city?
And explain why it is your favorite?
8. Describe another country you would love to visit.
You should say:
Which country would you like to visit?
Why do you want to visit this country?
What attracts you most in this country?
And explain why you want to talk about this country
1. a difficult thing you did well
Part 3:
What are the difficult things for people of different age?
2. an exciting experience you had
3. Describe an occasion which you have to show your good manners
4. an unforgettable birthday party
5. Sports event you enjoy watching//sports event you want to but haven’t watched
6. What would you do if you have a free day off
7. A journey you had when you were a child
8. First day of your school/college/course/job
9. something that made you laugh
10. a happy event in your childhood
11. an occasion when others helped you
12. Describe a science class in the high school.
You should say:
When did you attend it?
What was it about?
And explain why you talked about this science class
13. Describe a Wedding
You should say:
whose wedding it was
who was there
where it was
and explain how you felt at this wedding
Part 3:
Have you ever been to a wedding celebration?
What happens at a wedding celebration in China?
Do people eat, drink and dance at wedding celebrations in China?
Why do many people spend a lot of money on wedding celebrations?
Why do you think people spend a lot of money on their wedding?
Which would you prefer, modern-style or a traditional-style wedding? Why?
Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?
1. Describe a foreign movie you like most
You should say:
what it is
what the characteristics of this movie are
when did you watch this movie
and explain why you like this movie
2. Describe a TV program that you like to watch.
You should say:
the name of the program
what type of program it is
when you watch it (or, how often you watch it)
and explain what you learn from this program.
Part 3:
What types of television programs are popular in your country?
What are the differences between the TV programs that people watch today and the programs of several years ago?
Why do you think different places in the world have different television programs, instead of having the same programs for the whole world?
Do you think it's a good thing that different places (or, different countries) each have their own television programs? *
Can you watch foreign channels in China?
What’s the influence of TV on human beings?
Do Chinese like entertaining programs or educational programs on TV?
Should the government supervise TV programs?
3. Describe a piece of advertisement
Part 3:
Do you think children's TV programs should have advertisements?
How do TV advertisements influence people?
How can children be influenced by advertisements?
Why do companies still pay for advertisements when people change channels when they see them?
Why would people switch channel when they see advertisements?
What TV programs are popular in China?
What are the influences of those negative TV programs on children and the young?
What are the influences of those positive or negative advertisements on our life?
4. Describe your favorite song
1. ideal job// a job you would like to have
You should say:
What it is.
Where you want to do it.
What about the working hours.
2. your favorite weather
3. a psychical exercise that is popular in your country/city
4. describe a work of art (painting or sculpture)
5. a piece of family news that made you happy
6. a science subject you liked in your high school
7. an enjoyable thing in your life
8. describe a cloth / jewelry
9. Describe a family photo
You should say:
When did you take?
Who are in the photo?
Where did you take it?
And explain why it is important to you.
Part 3:
How to make sure taking a beautiful picture?
Is photo a piece of art?
10. Describe one piece of furniture in your house
You should say:
What is it?
How does it look like?
Where did you get it?
And explain why you think it is so different?
Part 3:
Who bought the furniture in your home?
What are the differences between the furniture in office and the ones at home?
What are styles of furniture in different countries?
11. Describe something expensive you want to buy in future
1. If you were working, which would be more important for you, the happiness of work or the income of work?
Sample Answer:
I think happiness of work definitely outshines the income of work. As far as I am concerned, the happiness from work is more like a sense of satisfaction and achievement. It is something that can’t be measured in terms of money. But of course, the happy we are talking about here is based on a prerequisite that the pay is great.
2. What is the weather like in your hometown?
常考问题之一。同类问题:What is the weather like in your hometown?
Sample Answer:
The weather in Changsha is very extreme; people can only feel about two seasons, the summer and the winter, the summer is so hot, while the winter is freezing cold.
3. Describe something expensive you want to buy in the future
What will want to buy?
What it will look like
How much it will cost
And explain why you'd like to buy it
这道题是机经题库里的一道常规考题,这道题目可以和别的题目进行互相转换,describe a vehicle you want to buy in future, 这是一道常规的物品题,按照描述物品的一般步骤进行简单的说明即可,以下例文仅做参考。
In terms of the expensive thing I want to buy, I am sure it must be the BMW SUV, short for sports utility vehicle. It is my favorite car type. I am really desperate to get one in the near future. In order to make my dream come true sooner, I even take 2 part-time jobs to earn money.
It may be not as good- looking as other cars, but as it is suggested by its name, BMW SUV is for utility and very practical. Also, it is very cool and fantastic to me. I love to travel on my own car. Isn’t cool when you drive your own car with a back pack on the back seats? SUVs have stronger horsepower than many other light-weight vehicles, which is ideal for long distance travel even in tough road conditions. Furthermore, I don’t have to worry about the safety of the car that is born for running. The price for SUVs varies from brands to brands. But generally speaking, they are more expensive than common sedans for their compact and speedy functions. Due to its large horsepower capability, it would certainly emit more greenhouse gas. While BMW SUV can run on alternative fuel so as to reduce the negative impact on environment. Right now I haven’t got enough to buy it, but after several years of working, I believe I will be economically competent to buy one. Let’s hope this day would come soon.
4. Describe your favorite song.
You should say:
What your favorite song is
What the content is
When did heard this song
And explain why you were attracted by this song
My favorite song is Hero sung by Mariah Carey, a brilliant American pop singer. When I first heard this song, I was deeply moved by the melody and the lyric. The lyrics are always lingering in my mind, “when you feel like hope is gone, look inside you and be strong, you will finally see the truth that hero lies in you.” Dreams are hard to come true, but people stick to pursuit them. The song is really inspiring. I am sure every one of us will encounter many difficulties in our life. I heard it when I was in a bookstore. I bought the album. Now I remembered the song in my heart. When I meet difficulties, I will use the lyric of the song to encourage myself.
2012年8月25日是8月份的最后一场考试,9月份,按照雅思考试官方历年来的习惯,雅思口语考题会出现一些小的变动,很多考生一直在担心是否会有新题的出现,其实纵观2012年1月至8月的雅思考试,我们可以清楚的看到,新题的出现几率并不大,2012年前8个月份的雅思口语考题的出题情况是相对稳定的,同学们在备考过程中首先是需要准备好机经题库里现有的话题,其次要准备好面对一些较难的题,雅思口语考试并未要求学生对于考试中的话题,有着深刻的了解,它是一门重英语交流能力,而不是内容的口语考试。当然,在考试的过程中,学生会不可避免的碰到令其哑口无言的话题,如:Describe a piece of furniture in your room. Describe a handicraft.等等。针对这些比较难的话题,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家建议如下:
一、减少描述,增加议论。例如describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you这一话题,按照中式的思维方式,描述一个人,考生大多会想要去描述其外貌:健硕的身材,长长的睫毛,粉嫩的脸颊等等。首先不讨论考生能否都将这些中文描述成对应的英文,除非是口语基础相当不错的考生,不然挑这些内容去讲无疑是搬起石头砸自己的脚。其实这个时候,考生不仅可以介绍teacher的年龄,兴趣爱好,及其性格特征,而且可将答题的重点放在influence上,并通过阐述一个具体的example来证明这个老师是如何影响你的。而在描述一件家具的时候,就可以适当增加议论和评论了。对于颜色,可以增加的内容是The reason why I chose this color is that it matches well with my bathroom. What’s more, white is my favorite color, which means purity, you know. 除了颜色,我们也能说下它的大小。It is one meter high, so that I can put it in the corner, which takes only a little space. 由此可见,评论性的语言通常比描述更为具体,可以看作是对前一句的补充说明或者是例证拓展。这种对于每一点信息都要给出议论的习惯一定要养成,可以使我们说话的内容顿时翻倍。
二、变抽象为具体。很多考生觉得口语话题抽象难讲,如describe a success in your life. 大多数考生看到这个题目,通常认为这个success一定是较为光鲜的事迹,进而发现在自己身上找不到合适的素材。其实转念一想,将success具体化,看作是successfully did something, 这样构思就会容易许多。如自己多年坚持不懈所搜集到的collection, 这就与part 1中collection这一话题连接在一起了。或者也可以说successfully made a handicraft, 然后就借用准备过的handicraft的内容,着重阐述是如何做好这个handicraft的,转移过来就可以了。再比如说6月的考题describe an electronic product, 我们在阐述它是如何改变我们的生活时,可能会想到it has dramatically changed our lives and brought a great deal of convenience to our work or study. 除了这些抽象笼统的空话,我们也可以用一些detail来证明它是如何change our lives, 又带来了什么具体的convenience。(假若这里说的是ipad,我们可以说fruit ninja is my favorite game, after a whole day’s work, this game can help me relieve heavy stress without thinking. Coz what I need to do is just to cut the various fruits by avoiding the bomb. I would like to say it is really the best way for me to get relaxed.)只有这样才能使我们的口语答案不屈于大流,从而在众多的考生中脱颖而出,赢得高分。
