
2022-05-30 14:22:53


  SAT双短篇阅读文章Short Paired-passages (SPP)

  1. SAT双短篇阅读介绍Brief intro:

  P1+P2 followed by 4 questions


  2. SAT双短篇阅读答题方法Solution to SPP:

  ① Read P1&P2 and take a brief note (重首句,末句和转折句)( pay more attention to the FIRST sentence and the LAST sentence of each passage which may be a TS or Conclusion, as well as the sentences with conjunctions such as BUT, NEVERTHELESS, HOWEVER etc.)

  ② Read a question and scrutinize its options

  ③ Select the best choice for it

  ④ Repeat steps ② and ③ for each question

  3. 两篇文章之间的关系Relationship between P1&P2:

  ※ Opposition (V2 △ V1)

  ① V2 totally different from V1 (P391)

  ② V2 partially against V1 (P589) +(P665)

  部分否定的典型说法:(混合态度, 重点在后)

  ※ I cannot dispute _________. What I do dispute, however, is/are___________________.

  ※ I don not dispute_________, But I__________________________________________.

  ③ V2 extends V1 (P862)

  ※ Support (V2 ∥V1) (P543) + (P711, P58)

  ※ Relate to each other in some ways (P466) + (P787, P78)

  4. Paired-passages的典型问题及对策:


  ※ ID:

  ① Which of the following best describes the relationship between the two passages?

  ② ______ in P2 would most likely +VERB +______ in P1?


  support/ exemplify/agree with/espouse/strengthen/weaken/undermine/discredit/criticize/damage/respond to/react to/ claim/assert/argue/contend/suggest/consider/interpret/view/regard

  ※ Solution:

  先搞清known info, unknown info, relationship 三大要素, 然后从known →unknown.

  ②求异题(此题型并非PP 中独有,但经常出现):

  ※ ID

  P1 differs from P2 in that________________Unlike P1, P2_________________________contrast/difference between P1& P2 is that _____X in P1& P2, respectively, are_______________Compared to P1, P2____________________is in P1, but not in P2?

  ※Solution: 找不同

  ③求同题(此题型并非PP 中独有,但经常出现):

  ※ ID

  P1 is similar/ analogous/ parallel /akin to P2 in that________________Which of the following statement is shared by P1 & P2?

  Both passages__________X in P1 is most like ________ in P2?

  What do P1& P2 have in common?

  ※ Solution: 找交集和补集

  ※ Expression for correct answer:

  ① Both mention 交集

  ② Both do not mention 补集/Neither mentions 补集

  ※ Elimination of options:

  ① 仅表现P1or P2 内容的选项

  ② 提及了P1 和P2 都not mention (N/M)的内容的选项

