
2022-06-05 11:48:40

  Practice Test 9

  P 898

  Section 4

  1. 一开始只有卫生间外面的地毯是_________,因为破裂的水管里的水;最后整个走廊都被淹了。

  Initially only the carpeting outside the restroom was __________ by water from the burst pipe; eventually the entire hallway flooded.

  (A) diverted v. 转移

  (B) confined v. 有限的

  (C) scuttled v. 急走

  (D) cleansed v. 弄干净

  (E) drenched v. 湿透的

  2. 群居对狼和老鼠这样的动物有好也有坏:群居让动物来__________体温,但是让他们更___________被捕食者发现。

  Communal nests have advantages and disadvantages for animals like wolves and mice: they enable the animals to _________ body heat, but leave them more __________ to discovery by predators.

  (A) insure v. 确保...inclined adj. 倾向于

  (B) maintain v. 维持...vulnerable adj. 易受攻击的

  (C) squander v. 浪费...liable adj. 有责任的

  (D) stimulate v. 刺激...resistant adj. 反抗

  (E) retain v. 保持...immune adj. 免疫的

  3. 他展示了类似病态的___________,非要知道他朋友私生活的所有细节不可。

  He displayed a nearly pathological ___________, insisting on knowing every detail of his friends' lives.

  (A) orderliness n. 整洁

  (B) credulity n. 易受骗

  (C) curiosity n. 好奇

  (D) shyness n. 害羞

  (E) morbidity n. 病态

  4. 尽管全球努力来___________疟疾,这个源自蚊子的疾病继续___________:世界医疗组织估计这个疾病所感染的人还是达到5亿人一年。

  Despite global efforts to __________malaria, this mosquito-borne disease continues to ___________: the World Health Organization estimates that it still affects up to 500 million people a year.

  (A) cure v. 治疗...flag v. 标记,衰退

  (B) foster v. 养育...thrive v. 兴旺

  (C) combat v. 战斗...abate v. 减少

  (D) scrutinize v. 详细检查...prosper v. 成功,繁荣

  (E) eradicate v. 根除...flourish v. 兴旺,茂盛

  5. 虽然被评审团所责难,对于电影评论员波林凯尔来说,这部电影似乎完全的___________和不太可能在冒犯。

  Although condemned by the review panel, to film critic Pauline Kael the movie seemed entirely ___________ and unlikely to offend.

  (A) impressionable adj. 易受影响的

  (B) innocuous adj. 无害的

  (C) unsuitable adj. 不合适的

  (D) insensitive adj. 感觉迟钝的,无感觉

  (E) unapproachable adj. 不可接近的

  6. 评论家描述麦当娜斯弯阿德勒的自传是一个____________的人的肖像,一个战胜了一切困难的人。

  The reviewer characterized Madonna Swan-Abdalla's autobiography as a portrait of an ___________ person,

  (A) empathetic adj. 同感的

  (B) indomitable adj. 不服输的,不可征服的

  (C) expeditious adj. 迅速的

  (D) idiosyncratic adj. 特质的

  (E) astute adj. 机敏的

  7. 虽然营业了几个月,这家公司其实___________,只通过___________活动来应付财务需求。

  Although it stayed in business for several months, the company was actually ___________ and met its financial obligations by engaging in ___________ activities.

  (A) insolvent adj. 破产的,无力偿还债务的...fraudulent adj. 欺骗性的

  (B) prudent adj. 审慎的...speculative adj. 思考的

  (C) autonomous adj. 自治的...subordinate adj. 下级的,次要的

  (D) bankrupt adj. 破产的...charitable adj. 慈善的

  (E) stable adj. 稳定的...manipulative adj. 操纵的

  8. 玛丽淑女的小说变态医生围绕着一个科学家的__________, 他自大到相信自己有能力控制大自然。

  Mary Shelley's Frankenstein centers on a scientist's ___________, the overweening pride that makes him believe he can usurp nature.

  (A) obstinacy n. 顽固

  (B) hubris n. 骄傲自大

  (C) impetuosity n. 冲动

  (D) valor n. 勇猛

  (E) callousness n. 冷漠

  P 909

  Section 6

  1. 梅萨藤有一个_________的职业:这个职业_________ 从1929诗歌杂志出版了她热切的诗开始,到1994她最后的诗选出版结束。

  May Sarton had a __________ career: it __________ from 1929, when Poetry magazine published her eagerly sonnets, to 1994, when her last collection of poems came out.#p#分页标题#e#

  (A) limited adj. 受限制...developed v. 先进的

  (B) diverse adj. 多种多样的...foundered v. 创始

  (C) variable adj. 可变的...declined v. 下降了

  (D) lengthy adj. 漫长的...lasted v. 延续,持久

  (E) sedate adj. 安详的...soared v. 高飞,猛增

  2. 近期的数据记录了一个长着问号形状鼻子的鲸鱼非凡的潜水深过4,700英尺,__________早期的__________这些鲸鱼是海里最深的潜水者之一。

  Recent data recording a bottlenose whale's phenomenal dive of over 4,700 feet _________ earlier _________ that such whales were among the sea's deepest divers.

  (A) refuted v. 驳斥...theories n. 理论

  (B) challenged v. 挑战...predictions n. 预测

  (C) confirmed v. 确认...speculations n. 推测

  (D) validated v. 确认...disclaimers n. 否认

  (E) substantiated v. 证实...doubts n. 怀疑

  3. 城里的居民过着_________的生活;没有人做疯狂的或者_________行为

  The residents of the town lived _________ lives; no one indulged in wild or __________ behavior.

  (A) rambunctious adj. 粗暴的...indecent adj. 下流的

  (B) extravagant adj. 奢侈的...excessive adj. 过度的

  (C) secluded adj. 使隔绝的...scrupulous adj. 谨慎小心的

  (D) circumscribed adj. 受限制的...impulsive adj. 冲动的,任性的

  (E) irreverent adj. 不敬的...animated adj. 活泼的

  4. 一项研究警告猴子数量在危地马拉和墨西哥下降被新证据所__________,新证据发现在伯利兹河附近的猴子数量曾经__________。

  The study's warning that monkey populations were declining in Guatemala and Mexico was _________ by new evidence that nearby populations along the Belize River were_________.

  (A) corroborated v. 证实,支持...prospering adj. 兴旺,繁荣

  (B) confirmed v. 确认了...extant adj. 现存的,仍然存在

  (C) belied v. 掩饰...dwindling adj. 逐渐变少

  (D) diminished v. 减少了的...debilitated adj. 非常虚弱

  (E) tempered v. 调和的...thriving adj. 兴旺,繁荣的

  5. 员工抱怨管理层__________,只顾眼前的利益而不顾公司长远的利益。

  The staff complained that management was _________, focusing on short-term profits while disregarding the long-term welfare of the corporation.

  (A) irresolute adj. 犹豫不定的

  (B) officious adj. 多管闲事的

  (C) rancorous adj. 怨恨的

  (D) punctilious adj. 非常仔细

  (E) myopic adj. 目光短浅的

  P 920

  Section 9

  1. 终于开始尝试_________ 道路堵塞,道路堵塞瘫痪了整个市中心地带。

  Efforts are finally being made to _________ the traffic congestion that plagues the downtown area.

  (A) engage v. 积极介入

  (B) alleviate v. 减轻

  (C) transport v. 运输

  (D) regenerate v. 再生

  (E) trivialize v. 使显得琐碎

  2. 虽然表面上__________,演讲者其实被混乱的听众所扰乱。

  Though outwardly __________ , the speaker was actually quite disturbed by the tumultuous crowd.

  (A) apprehensive adj. 恐惧的

  (B) agitated adj. 不安的

  (C) furious adj. 狂怒的

  (D) serene adj. 平静

  (E) considerate adj. 体贴的

  3. 康熙是中国从1661到1722年间的皇帝,他________ 表达他内心的想法,这种做法通常很少出现在________的帝国里。

  K'ang-hsi, emperor of China from 1661 to 1722, expressed his private thoughts with a _________ rarely found in the usually ___________ great empires.

  (A) peacefulness n. 和平的,平静的...placid adj. 温和的

  (B) forthrightness n. 直率的...reserved adj. 保留的,含蓄的

  (C) fairness n. 公正...dilatory adj. 拖拉的,延误的

  (D) meticulousness n. 小心翼翼的...accessible adj. 易接近的

  (E) peevishness n. 脾气坏的...irritable adj. 易怒的

  4. 在辽阔的平原上种地曾经很长时间都能盈利,但是到了1938年_________耕种方法和多年不充足的降雨_________ 土地。

  Farming had been profitable on the Great Plains for many decades, but by 1938__________ agricultural practices and years of inadequate precipitation had __________ the land.

  (A) conscientious adj. 尽值的...despoiled v. 掠夺

  (B) incompetent adj. 无能力的...sustained v. 持续的#p#分页标题#e#

  (C) shrewd adj. 精明的...debilitated v. 非常虚弱

  (D) innovative adj. 革新的...fertilized v. 施肥

  (E) imprudent adj. 不谨慎的...denuded v. 光秃秃的

  5. 大教堂一般都要花几十年甚至几百年才能完成;所以,没人期望国家大教堂会_________建成。

  Cathedrals usually take decades, even centuries, to complete; thus, no one expected the National Cathedral to be built with __________.

  (A) dispatch n. 迅速派遣,迅速处理

  (B) presumption n. 推测

  (C) durability n. 耐久性

  (D) deliberation n. 考虑

  (E) reverence n. 尊敬

  6. 纽约设计师苏安娜设计了折中的衣服,描绘出一个活泼快乐的__________,把1970年的独特的风格和急躁,都市情感融合在一起。

  New York designer Anna Sui creates eclectic clothes that represent an __________ of playful, 1970's funky styles fused with an edgy, urban sensibility.

  (A) induction n. 就职,催产

  (B) amalgam n. 混合物

  (C) immersion n. 沉浸

  (D) occlusion n. 闭塞

  (E) estrangement n. 疏远





