
2022-05-22 03:35:18


  人物题:a business person you admire, a foreigner (interesting person from another country), a person you think is a good parent。几道题下来,不知道为啥蹦到脑海里的居然是川普…… 在干起总统这个副业之前,人家可是房地产大亨,并且作为美国人,也满足foreigner的条件,另外,看到人家教育出来的女儿伊万卡,外加她各种演讲里对父亲的赞美,good parent这个条件也符合了呢!至于轮换题中的其他题目是否也可以用川普搞定,大家随意开脑洞吧!(无论你是不是川普的粉丝,考试的时候可以先把个人喜好放在一边,考试嘛,太认真你就输了…)



  I’d like to talk about Donald Trump who used to be an accomplished entrepreneur before he was elected president of United States.

  Interesting foreigner:

  I’d like to talk about Donald Trump who wears several hats, I mean, he’s not only president of United States, he’s also a real estate developer and television star before he ran for office.

  A good parent:

  I’d like to talk about Donald Trump who’s not only president of United States, but also a loving and responsible father. We can tell that from the way he raised his children and the fact that all of them have achieved great success.


  To be honest, I didn’t know him until he ran for president. I was told he’s the oldest and wealthiest president ever in the US. And actually, I heard most of his stories from the speeches his daughter delivered while she was supporting her father during the campaign. And I got pretty interested so I googled him.

