
2022-05-22 00:26:51


  Section 26

  1. By pointing out self-serving nature of the governor's motives for supporting the new health care policy, the columnist implied that the governor's idealistic-sounding explanation of her position on the issue was almost certainly ________.

  A. impractical

  B. derivative

  C. simplistic

  D. disingenuous

  E. ineffectual

  2. The paleontologist examines the problem afresh, believing that the accepted classification ________ the essential continuity of the specimens by making specious distinctions among them.

  A. disproved

  B. belied

  C. conflated

  D. divulged

  E. relaxed

  3. It would be naïve to treat remarks made in diaries or personal letters as giving especially candid access to historical truth or even as being expressions of the writer’s true state of mind, since (i)________ for exaggeration and deception in those forms is virtually nonexistent. Diaries and letters are rarely sites for (ii)________.

  Blank (i)

  A. motivation

  B. penalty

  C. tendency

  Blank (ii)

  D. premeditated manipulation

  E. childish theatrics

  F. balanced reflection

  4. Many of the unusual behaviors attributed to crows — such as drinking coffee or presenting gifts to people who feed them — are based on (i)________ and therefore fall into the category of (ii)________ rather than science.

  Blank (i)

  A. long-term observation

  B. controlled experiments

  C. secondhand testimony

  Blank (ii)

  D. anecdote

  E. speculation

  F. hypothesis

  5. Any account of experimental music in the United States that (i)________ the predominantly African American bebop and free is (ii)________ since this body of music constitutes what is arguably the most influential African experimental music in the decades following the second world war.

  Blank (i)

  A. neglects

  B. exaggerates

  C. reinterprets

  Blank (ii)

  D. underappreciated

  E. problematic

  F. self-serving

  6. Fifty pages of footnotes, some of them presenting quite lengthy bibliographies, suggest that very few pertinent sources on the Black Arts movement in literature have (i)________ Thompson’s search, (ii)________, the text makes it clear that the author’s examination of these sources has been similarity (iii)________.

  Blank (i)

  A. eluded

  B. characterized

  C. motivate

  Blank (ii)

  D. moreover

  E. however

  F. consequently

  Blank (iii)

  G. valuable

  H. timely

  I. exhaustive

  7. His premiership, seemingly cast-iron a year ago, is now so vulnerable that even a good day at the office does, no more the buy him a few weeks of _______ from rebels within his own party.

  A. controversy

  B. reproach

  C. respite

  D. relief

  E. blame

  F. deference

  8. Agencies responsible for protecting natural resources too often issue permits allowing exploitation of those resources, a process that remains _______ given that agencies have become experts at masking their decisions in scientific terms.

  A. controversial

  B. exacting

  C. obscure

  D. onerous

  E. opaque

  F. misleading

  9. Despite her rather ______ choices, Moreland was neither a rebellious spirit nor someone who saw herself as anything out of the ordinary.

  A. unconventional

  B. impractical

  C. quirky

  D. flamboyant

  E. successful

  F. lucrative

  10. Readers looking for another condemnation of private equity firms should look elsewhere, this book is not _______ such films.

  A. a rant against

  B. a diatribe on

  C. an exculpating

  D. a disquisition in

  E. a vindication of

  F. an argument about
