
2022-06-07 17:24:23




  Listen t a cnversatin between a student and an emplyee in the university library.


  Ready t check ut?


  Just abut. Befre I d thugh, this bk n early navigatin I have been using this bk quite a bit fr a research prject. And I wuld like t wn it actually. And well it s an ld bk, and there were tw cpies n the shelf just nw, s I was wndering if I culd buy ne. I was talking t this guy the ther day, and he said the library sld bks n ccasin. Is that right?


  He is prbably talking abut ur annual bk sale. We have ne every spring.


  K. Hw d yu decide which bks t sell? Are they duplicates?


  A lt are duplicates. If we have mre than ne cpy f a title and it hasn t been checked ut in a few years, in that case it might end up at the sale.


  I ve actually tried t find this bk nline but n luck s far. I was really hping t buy it.


  Well, that particular bk well, it prbably wn t be up fr sale this year. Mst bks in the sale cme frm ff-site strage.


  ff-site strage?


  That s where we keep bks that haven t been used fr several years. They are still in the catalg, which means they can be checked ut if yu fill ut a frm. It takes maybe a day r tw t retrieve ne f them.


  I see.


  And then befre we decide t include a bk in the sale, we review its circulatin histry again, which can take a while. We ve gt a lt f bks in strage.


  S it s basically the unppular bks that get put up fr sale then?


  Well, that plus the main thing is t make sure students have access t the infrmatin in the bks. A lt f them are available in electrnic frmat these days, even the really ld nes. Yu knw, they have been preserved that way.


  S mst f the bks fr sale are lder bks.


  Well, we get bk dnatins t. And lts f thse are new. Again, a librarian reviews them and decides whether t catalgue them r put them up fr sale.


  Is this sale pen t the public?


  n the secnd day. It s a tw-day sale. The first day is fr students, faculty and staff thugh, which is great. We usually need abut twenty vlunteers fr the sale. And well, if yu vlunteer, yu get first sht at everything in advance.


  Really? What d vlunteers have t d?


  Yu help srt the bks and set up the tables. But keep in mind thse psitins fill up quickly.

  Nw, abut this particular bk, it wuldn t hurt t send a frmal request t the cllectin department. They might be able t let yu knw if it wuld be up fr sale.


  I ll d that. Thanks.


  Lecture1-Art Histry (Dadaism)


  Listen t part f a lecture in an art histry class.


  All right. S last week we started talking abut the painters and sculptrs wh were part f the art mvement called Dada. But I dn t want yu t think the ideas we intrduced last time were limited t painting, sculpture, that srt f thing. S tday I want t mve beynd the visual arts and talk a bit abut Dada in the perfrming arts, in theater.

  But let s start by reviewing what Dada is. K? As yu will recall, Dada began in Switzerland, in the city f Zurich, in 1916. The artists wh studied it were reacting against traditinal ntins f beauty, f reasn, f prgress, which had been standards f western thught since the 18th century. They lked arund. And well, I mean, the First Wrld War was raging, s they didn t see much beauty, reasn r prgress in the wrld. Instead, they saw a wrld that was chatic, randm, a wrld that didn t make sense. And if that s the way the wrld was, well, they wanted their art t reflect that.

  S let s let s review a cuple f key ideas that were the backbne f Dada art.

  First, the Dadaists wanted t cmpletely reject the classical idea f art. Classical ideas like prprtin, balance all the things yu think abut when yu think abut great art. Great art invlved reasn, the lgic, the beauty that the Dadaists wanted t verthrw.

  S, well, yu knw, t a Dadaist, classical artwrk was a reflectin f utdated thinking! That s why Dadaists created sculptures like the nes we saw last week. Remember the stl with the b
