
2022-05-24 18:09:48


  剑桥雅思7Test3听力原文Section1 Task1

  AGENT: Good morning.

  STUDENT: Oh,good morning.Is this...er...roomnumber 26

  AGENT: Yes,that's right

  STUDENT: So is this the Student Job Centre

  AGENT: It certainly is.How can I help you

  STUDENT: Well,actually I'm looking for a job - apart-time job.Do you have anything available at themoment

  AGENT: Ah,yes...Are you a registered studentI'm afraid this service is only available to full-time students.

  STUDENT: Yes...I am.I'am doing a degree in Business Studies.Here's my student card.

  AGENT: Which year are you in

  STUDENT: Well...I've been at uni for four years but I'm in the Third Year becaues I took lastyear off.

  AGENT: Right...well,let's just have a look at what positions are available at themoment.There's a job working at the reception desk at the Sports Centre,for three evenings aweek - that's Wednesdays,Thursdays and Fridays.

  STUDENT: That sounds like fun but unfortunately I have evening lectures - so that's notpossible,I'm afraid.Is there anything during the day


  AGENT: OK,that's no good then.Um.What aboutcleaningThere's a position for a cleaner at the ChildCare Centre.

  STUDENT: Right...

  AGENT: But you'd need to be there at 6 am.Doesthat appeal

  STUDENT: Six o'clock in the morning!Oh,that's fartoo early for me, I'm afraid.I'd never make it thatearly in the morning.

  AGENT: Mmm...Well - there was a position going inthe Computer Lab for three days a week that might be OK.Ah,here it is!No,it's in the Library,notthe Lab.,Clerical Assistant required - I think it mostly involves putting the books back on theshelves.Oh no - hang on.It's for Wednesday and Friday evenings again.

  STUDENT: No - I can't manage that because of the lectures.

  AGENT: OK,I'm getting the idea.Look,I'll just get a few details from you anyway,and then wecan check through the list and see what comes up.


  AGENT: We'll fill in the personal details on thisapplication form first,if that's OK

  STUDENT: Yes,that's fine.

  AGENT: Now,what's your name again

  STUDENT: Anita Newman - that's N-E-W-M-A-N.

  AGENT: And your address,Anita

  STUDENT: I'm in one of the Halls of Residence forpost-graduate students,you know,InternationalHouse.

  AGENT: OK - that's easy.What's your room number there

  STUDENT: Room B569 - no sorry B659.I always get that wrong.I haven't been living there verylong.

  AGENT: Do you have any other skillsTyping,language,that sort of thing

  STUDENT: Well, I speak some Japanese.

  AGENT: Right,I'll make a note of that.


  AGENT: Now - let's see what else is available.Whatdo you think of administrative workThere is aposition for an Office Assistant at the EnglishLanguage Centre.

  STUDENT: That sounds interesting.

  AGENT: It's for 3 days a week - Monday,Friday andSaturday mornings.Interested

  STUDENT: Mmm.I was hoping to have Saturdaysfree.But I need the work so...can you tell me whatthe job involves

  AGENT: Yes,sure.It says here that you'll be requied to deal with student enquiries and answerthe phone.

  STUDENT: I'm sure I can handle all that without a problem.

  AGENT: Great.Well,would you like me to arrange an interview for youSay,Fridaymorning,around ten

  STUDENT: Could we make it a bit laterUnfortunately,I've got something to do at ten.Wouldthat be OK

  AGENT: Not a problem.How about eleven thirtyHope it works out for you Anita.

  STUDENT: Me too.And thanks for all your help.

