
2022-05-20 05:10:58




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  JACK: Well,we have to do two groups,remenber,andit looks like we have to interview fifteen for eachgroup.

  LUCY: That's thirty altogether then.It's going totake ages.

  JACK: Yes,but remember we're working on thistogether,so we'll only have to do fifteen each.

  LUCY: OK,so those are all the requirements?

  JACK: Yes,look like it.

  LUCY: So,first,which area are we going to choose?My preference would be cinema,since that's where I spend most of my money.

  JACK: Hmmm,I don't think that's such a good idea.I don't think there are huge differentces inthe market there.I mean you get young and old,male and female,rich and poor all going to thesame movies.

  LUCY: Yeah,maybe you're right.Let's make it music then.

  JACK: Right.So,what two groups will we compare and contrast?

  LUCY: Male and female?

  JACK: No.Most of my female friends like the same music as me.Different age groups would bemuch more likely to show up differences,I think.
