341 - 367 South Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350
哈利斯城公立中学是一所男女同校的中学,在学术、文化和体育活动中都取得了卓著的成就。学校获得了国际学校组织社区(CIS)与昆士兰州教育的国际认可。哈利斯城公立中学与南昆士兰大学( USQ )建立了独特合作关系,拥有极为丰富的资源,可提供全面而广泛的科目。学校设施除了能够让学生备战大部分学术课程外还可让学生学习感兴趣职业科目。有专门教职员照顾学生。
1. 国际认证-质量保证
2. 完善的设施,充足的机遇和课程选择
3. 私人化-4个迷你校区,学校有专门的工作人员负责照顾每位学生的需求
1. 电影和电视
2. 舞蹈、戏剧及音乐
3. 农业
4. 土著研究
5. 高级语言
6. 体育学院
7. 微软研究院
8. 工业学院
9. 速成学院
10. 音乐普及
1. 辩论
2. 舞台和乐队音乐会
3. 强乐团Strong orchestra
4. 音乐合奏、舞蹈团体和摇滚eisteddfod
5. 互动(以社区为基础的学生委员会)
6. 数学、英语、科学和商业竞赛
1. 德语German
2. 印度尼西亚语Indonesian
1. 1500座位的礼堂
2. 体育综合设施( 25米室内游泳池、体操设施,三人篮球和排球体育场)
3. 独特的创意技术中心,配有可容纳330座的多媒体阶梯教室
4. 商务教育中心
5. 电影和电视设施
6. 舞蹈工作室
7. 11个计算机实验室
8. 广泛的户外场地和球场,适合田径、足球、曲棍球、橄榄球和板球
1. 通过校长推荐可直接进入南昆士兰大学USQ
2. 提供多种职业课程
1. Queensland Champions Rock Eisteddfod 2003, 2005 and 2007
2. Regional Sporting School of the Year 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2006
3. Various state sporting championships
4. Various music and orchestra awards
5. Regional debating awards
6. Regional senior maths champions
1. 紧密的学校-社区联系
2. 广泛的学生支持网络
3. 澳大利亚国际认证学校理事会CIAS(A)认证的21所学校之一
Broadfording Christian Academy
Coe College
Halstrom Academy
Southern State Community College
Austin Community College
Trinity Christian School
Northcentral Technical College
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
St Lawrence College
Solebury School
Blue Mountain Hotel School
Kedron State High School
Wheelers Hill Secondary College
Nyanda State High School
Naracoorte High School
Dromana Secondary College
Thornbury High School
Brunswick Secondary College
Fairvale High School
Atherton State High School
Broadfording Christian Academy
Coe College
Halstrom Academy
Southern State Community College
Austin Community College
Trinity Christian School
Northcentral Technical College
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
St Lawrence College
Solebury School
Blue Mountain Hotel School
Kedron State High School
Wheelers Hill Secondary College
Nyanda State High School
Naracoorte High School
Dromana Secondary College
Thornbury High School
Brunswick Secondary College
Fairvale High School
Atherton State High School
Broadfording Christian Academy
Coe College
Halstrom Academy
Southern State Community College
Austin Community College
Trinity Christian School
Northcentral Technical College
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
St Lawrence College
Solebury School
Blue Mountain Hotel School
Kedron State High School
Wheelers Hill Secondary College
Nyanda State High School
Naracoorte High School
Dromana Secondary College
Thornbury High School
Brunswick Secondary College
Fairvale High School
Atherton State High School
Broadfording Christian Academy
Coe College
Halstrom Academy
Southern State Community College
Austin Community College
Trinity Christian School
Northcentral Technical College
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
St Lawrence College
Solebury School
Blue Mountain Hotel School
Kedron State High School
Wheelers Hill Secondary College
Nyanda State High School
Naracoorte High School
Dromana Secondary College
Thornbury High School
Brunswick Secondary College
Fairvale High School
Atherton State High School
Broadfording Christian Academy
Coe College
Halstrom Academy
Southern State Community College
Austin Community College
Trinity Christian School
Northcentral Technical College
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
St Lawrence College
Solebury School
Blue Mountain Hotel School
Kedron State High School
Wheelers Hill Secondary College
Nyanda State High School
Naracoorte High School
Dromana Secondary College
Thornbury High School
Brunswick Secondary College
Fairvale High School
Atherton State High School